
Hey guys, I know I haven't been going balls to the wall lately like I normally do on my work, and I wanted to apologize for that. Things haven't been great lately in general, and specifically for me, I think I'm just going through one of those depressive low periods that I get from time to time. Not everybody I've interacted with has been all that nice, and lately, I've just been feeling really sad. No, sad isn't the right word for it. I'm not really sure how to describe it, but I wanted to let you all know in case it does take a bit longer for me to upload any new chapters in my books. That's pretty much it. If you made it all the way down here, thank you for bearing with me, and regardless of if you read the whole thing or not, I hope life throws nothing but good vibes and good fortune your way <3


Hey guys, I know I haven't been going balls to the wall lately like I normally do on my work, and I wanted to apologize for that. Things haven't been great lately in general, and specifically for me, I think I'm just going through one of those depressive low periods that I get from time to time. Not everybody I've interacted with has been all that nice, and lately, I've just been feeling really sad. No, sad isn't the right word for it. I'm not really sure how to describe it, but I wanted to let you all know in case it does take a bit longer for me to upload any new chapters in my books. That's pretty much it. If you made it all the way down here, thank you for bearing with me, and regardless of if you read the whole thing or not, I hope life throws nothing but good vibes and good fortune your way <3


Hey guys, just a small announcement that I'm going to be putting Whispers of the Elders on a sort of hiatus for now so I can work on another story that I've been more inspired to work on. This doesn't mean that I'll stop writing chapters altogether for Whispers of the Elders, it just means that I'll be writing chapters less frequently and at random intervals out of nowhere while publishing chapters for the new book (Which has yet to be named). Thank you guys so much for your support, and I hope you guys like the new book!


YESSSSS!!!!! 50 published chapters in one book! This is such a milestone for me, and I'm so proud to have been writing for so long and I thank you guys for going through this process with me and hope you look forward to many more chapters in the future!