hello guys....i have just finished the last of Green Lites and A Poem Of My Life yesterday! Thank you SO much if you have read those, especially A Poem Of My Life....because i have worked SO hard on it, and i started it first thing Monday, when i signed up for Wattpad. It took me a day and a half to do, along with other things, but i worked on my poem the longest to make it like my real life in a poem. Thanx guys for supporting me all this way and i encourage you guys SO much! God bless all you guys that i follow or you follow me=or even both! I have worked really hard to get a lot of followers, and right now i have 4 followers, and i follow 17 PEOPLE...and both is= 4! Thanx so much you guys, when i first logged on to do this, i thought i would have NO followers! Which if it were true, it would suck....but you guys are supporting me and i am so happy! Plz comment back for your will :D! Thanx guys! Keep up the good work!
~Cheyenne (CGreader)
And the first person i followed:
The first person that followed me:
The first person for both (Again)
Thanx! Bye guys!