Me: *Is about to write a Twitter AU*
          	Also me: What are you doing, Yannie??? Stop,,, please >; (


this message may be offensive
Ahem. Hello citizens of CHICKENOPPA-ville. Lmao lemme stop I'm so dumb. Anyway, hi, this is Yannie. In the time I've been gone I've been able to reflect on my life and-
          No, I'm just kidding. I locked myself out of my other account on accident. I'm an idiot but nothing new there. 
          aNyWaY,,, this is my new account. It's gonna be an a d v e n t u r e. 
          Before this adventure starts, though, I'll tell you just how much of an idiot I am. First, I went to change my password because I wanted to lol. When I changed it, I mistyped the new password I wanted. Twice. And t h e n my computer logged me out, because for me that's what it does when I change my password. Obviously, I figured out I must've mistyped it, but I didn't know how. So I went to change my password a g a i n, but I needed my email this time. 
          Tell me why the heck I forgot I closed my email account the week previous and had yet to change my linked email. 
          So yeah, I'm fucked. 
          And so this account is now a thing. 
          I'm just gonna tag some of my followers from the account I'm now locked out of, I guess. 
          @SeokjinForTheWin (oops I'm not dead lmao)
          If you didn't wish to be notified, by all means ignore this. If you did, hi. Please remind me never to fucking change my password again. 
          Also, all 82 of my followers from le locked account will receive a follow from this account, because I can lol. A c c e p t  m y  l o v e ,  d a m m i t-
          Also, I'm 15 now. You know what that means? It means I'm one-eighth of the way to 120 years old. I'm getting o l d, guys. 
          Also also, my hair is braided now and I have some blindingly horrible selfies to share; I'll post them on my new acc I guess. Tell me if I should lol. 
          Okay, okay. Bye lol.


@basicallyjohanna yes, I am a l i v e (Also oop adulthood zoinks lol >.>) anyway you're very correct fam we may as well just embrace laziness and holy crabcakes it just occurred to me that i completely neglected homework over the weekend lmao I'm screwed whatever
            Also,,, thank y o u for being such a majestic being and also also selfies have been posted lol :' )


@indiakink of course I tagged you you're m a j e s t i c- Also I'm glad it's just not me lol
            Also also I'm happy to be back fam ❤


@-CHERRYJINS- lol i feel honoured to be tagged. Also, that happens to me all the time youre not alone glad your back though


okay so i'm genuinely starting to get annoyed with the lady that was meant to do my hair. last week she got sick, fine. this week she waits until the day before she was meant to do it to tell my mom and i that she has plans with her daughter this weekend. which would have been dandy if she hadn't waited until literally a day before??? like, kindly scold me if i'm overreacting, because i know i have a tendency to do so, considering how impatient i can be. either way, it doesn't matter anymore because i'm just going to an actual salon next week because i got fed up, smh.


my mom left to go for a mother's day 'brunch' which is cool and all but it's literally 6pm and like i don't mind but it's hilarious to me like did she stay for lunch and dinner as well lmfaooo because i can relate


also i woke up feeling better but then i got worse again smh i played myself


why do i keep getting sick what's wrong with me lol i'm s u f f e r i n g >; (


@M-SeokJinbiased i mean i don't wanna get sick either but here i am ;-;


@CHICKENOPPA- ;-;-;-; i dont want u get sick again ;-;-;-;


@M-SeokJinbiased i'm t r y i n g, fam ;-;