Thank you so, so much @CHILDOFFG for the comments and for adding my story The 5th Hero to your reading list! It really means a whole lot to me as a writer to know you're at least a little interested in one of my works! If you have any questions, concerns, or just want to spark a friendly conversation, please don't hesitate to leave me a message or just some more comments. I always respond A.S.A.P! Thanks again and I hope you enjoy the rest of the story!

@CHILDOFFG Fair enough and yes, it seems you've just begun Act 2. I'm sure you'll enjoy it's concept quite a lot, especially some of the new OC's it introduces

@Trishula97 Nah it's alright, I'll stick to wattpad conversations, don't wanna go through the trouble of making account for that. Though besides that, i'm sorta on act two? I'm on the part where the new creatures are coming in but I don't remember anything else. I usually get on wattpad at like late times so my head isn't really in the game that much, so I usually have reread sometimes and I have to do that later lol. Though, I'm sure act two is gonna be great once I get to reading more of it.

@CHILDOFFG No worries about the late reply. If it helps, I can message you using the messenger instead if that's what you'd prefer. And yes, it may have been a bit too soon, but it's something everyone wanted to see happen. Although, more people wanted to see Ayu marry Naofumi, Alex was still up there too. So, does this mean you're onto the second Act of the story? Where it continues after the wedding? If so, the entire mega arc of Act 2 is all filler, but I promise it's still super interesting and entertaining. It brings in some elements of other anime you enjoy.