
Hello, i live


Hello everyone, summer is coming to an end for me with college on the horizon! I haven't felt as motivated as normal and often times won't even pick up a pen on some days. Writing and art used to give me life and a purpose but now it just drains me. I'm trying to see if I can somehow write at least 30 more chapters for The Death of a Raven but here comes the catch...
          Do you guys want me to continue? or should this project be forgotten to time... it's up to me, yes, but I will only finish this story if you want me to.


Hello, it’s been a while hasn’t? Well don’t worry cause I have finally finished working on my plans for the end of the book. I know it isn’t sad to think about this book ending, but even the prettiest flowers wilt with time. I have taken  break due to some person reasons including my graduation. However that doesn’t mean I have forgotten about this little (almost 100 chapter) project of mine. Thank you for your support!


Welp, I'm stuck in a brace for about... a month? But my wrists are doing a lot better than they were.
           Happy early Thanksgiving to all of my fellow Americans, and non-Americans. Even if Thanksgiving is not as widespread as other holidays I still like it cause I get out of school :3
          But for real guys, This year I am more thankful for all of you guys than anything else. You guys mean more to me than I can ever put into words.
           You guys are more than just my readers, more than just people on discord, more than just my friends... 
          Y'all are my Family.
          No matter how crazy, weird, or emotionally broken we all are, we are family and we will always have each other's back. You all have a spot in my heart that can never be taken away, you all have given me so much kindness when my goal in life was to GIVE kindness.
          I have been so caught up in making others in my life happy, that I never understood nor knew what made ME happy. But I am honored to say that now I know what makes me happy, and that is getting to talk to all of you and share my kindness with you all. 
          Thank you all for what you do, no matter how small or big a difference you think you make, you always make my day happier. 
          Thank you
          Yours Truly, CH Paints


@CHPaints aw Paints it is always a pleasure to talk to you and making you and the others happy throughout this crazy year and idk what I would be doing if I hadn't met any of y'all especially for this year. Happy Thanksgiving :3 


The chapter will be released later today or early tomorrow. I know I haven't updated nor done anything, but not only am I still grounded, but I also have to wear arm braces for my wrist. just hope I don't have a carpal tunnel.  :3
          kill me and end this suffering, its like someone shooting my wrist every time I write, draw, or do anything with my hands.


@CHPaints I agree with Boop and hopefully your arm does get better!


@CHPaints ifsbbfkab your health comes first then everything can come later. I hope your arm gets better!


So to all of my lovely friends on discord, and on Wattpad, I have been put under guard of my devices thus will not be allowed back on for a long summary...I am grounded :3 
          I am using a school computer to relay this message to you all regarding the book and the discord server.
          Readers: I will only be doing one chapter per week until further notice due to school work and grades.
          Discord peps:  I SWEAR IM TRYING MY BEST TO GET ON DISCORD SOMEHOW TRUST ME I AM. I MISS YOU ALL SO MUCH AND YALL ARE MY BABIES. :,(  AAAAAAAA. Please be kind and caring during this time, If I come back to a house fire... you dont even wanna know what I can do. Lean on each other and don't stop creating. 
          (miss yall)


As long as you are ok, that's all that matter! Also no arson has happend... yet :)


@CHPaints oooof cya when u get back on disc