
Great singing Fisher, Jake and Joe! XD 


Can’t wait to see you on the field tomorrow when the Tarpons go against Fort Myers! Let’s hope that Talia an Alex will be yelling “ROLL OFF” the entire game, rumor has it Fort Myers has been unbeatable the entire season, so even if you’re not in the marching band go out there and support the team! 
          As always I will see YOU on the field! 
          P.S. BE NICE TO MR.M *cough cough* trumpets *cough cough* HE’S MOST LIKELY GOING TO BE STRESSING THE ENTIRE TIME!!!


Great practice today guys! It was hot not gonna lie, (I think everyone agrees with that) but we got a lot done! Can’t wait for next practice! And who knows I might just show up at the play for pay tomorrow! Or not! (I don’t know I’m leaning towards no cuz I’m tired XD) 


I can’t wait to see who’s in marching band this year! By the way, I’m planing to finish book one as soon as possible! Congrats to our new drum majors as well; I’m looking forward to creating characters around you, I think book will definitely be more interesting. 
          Also I’m planning on having an upload schedule! The schedule will be: one or two chapters every other week starting the first week of school! I also plan on adding color guard this year! Last year I was told there was going to be a color guard one on their own so I never added you guys in... but this year, look out color guard cause you all are going to have a huge impact on the upcoming story: The Silver Queen Band: Around the World and Back...
          Hope you all had a great summer and I can’t wait to see YOU on the field for the 2018-2019 school year! 
          (P.S. I’m planing on writing the story based around the people who do marching band next year! Meaning if you aren’t in marching band... you won’t be in the book until concert season... kinda like what happened with Taylor, Meghan, Emma, etc.)