A crimson werewolf-like creature emerges against the shadowy backdrop of the forest. Its yellowish eyes glow in the darkness.
A violent brawl ensues as the wolfman jumps on the crimson werewolf. The wolfman throws in a claw only to let out a yelp as he takes a swipe to his back. Finding the wolfman's neck unguarded, the crimson beast plunges in for a fatal bite. With his neck clamped in its jaws, it thrashes the wolfman like a rag doll. It then sniffs it to make sure his dead.
It turns to look at the petrified Liez whose hiding behind a tree. It then looks away, seemingly ashamed.
Liez cautiously approaches the creature as an inexplicable feeling of affinity between them overshadows her fear and hesitation. Lost for words, Liez calls out to it,
"A-are you a-alright?"