
Procrastinated this week. I will be posting tomorrow, sorry loves.


Question for you:
          Would you read it?
          Hey lovelies, 
          I am wrapping up The Dalton Disruption and then GOING ON A WRITING BREAK.
          My personal life is about to get CRAAAZY and I will not have enough time to give you all consistent publishing updates.
          SO... This is what I am proposing. Would you read shorts? I am constantly seeking a mental escape from reality and I have so many stories brewing in my brain. What I could promise to manage is, starting in September, posting one short story within a collection.  They may be erotic, fantasy, romance, or sweet, but I would be able to give you bites.
          Let me know what your thoughts are <3


Omg I can’t believe TDD is coming to an end. It’s so good. And yes definitely to your proposal :)


Hope your weekend was wonderful!
          New chapter of TDD to be posted tomorrow. I apologize for my tardiness in posting it, but this is where I had left off originally and this chapter to the end of the book are unread and never posted. 
          Thank you for continuing to read 


Good evening my lovelies,
          Dalton is learning Sarah's cravings. Chapter 16 goes live tomorrow! Enjoy a smutty chapter on me <3
          Keep an eye out for your notifications, and if you're not following... then maybe you should be...


Hello loves!
          Sorry for my silence, I have a few chapters to post before Monday evening (EST).
          I got to do a little traveling and spending time with family. I didn't bring my computer, so I edited from my phone (YIKES).
          I'm home and back to work, so I will make sure I catch up <3


Sorry all, I am in summer mode and can't remember what day is what! Chapter for TDD is up!


Happy weekend lovelies!
          School's out for summer! I hope the weather is being kind to you and you're busy making plans to relax through the next few months.
          I apologize for missing my last two weeks of updates for TDD, so to make it up to you, I am posting THREEEEEE chapters tomorrow. Keep an eye out!


Thank you to all those who reached out to me. I had an elderly loved one who got very sick, not COVID, and they were hospitalized. They spent about a week recovering, but now home. My husband and I are taking full responsibility for their care and so forth. 
          Life has gotten a little more busy, but we're getting through it.
          Anyway, editing and finishing TDD is well on its way. This weekend I tried to make up some of my lost time. Double posting. 
          Happy mother's day to all my mommas out there!


Just kidding.. triple post for the weekend, enjoy!


Thoughts and prayers and positive vibes, please!
          Over the last week, my family has been gone through an emergency that has changed our household.
          Although we are hoping that things will return to a somewhat new normal, please bare with me.
          I am altering my schedule with TDD to once a week posts, hopefully double postings <3
          I appreciate you!


@CJ_Brown_Pen, I hope you and you're family are doing OK. 


Sending light your way <3


Hope everything turns out well for you and your family