@Fireheart7603 and @Sanjana_S_Pillai
          	I just found out that amy_149 has deactivated her account on insta and she has moved on to other platforms..... I just found out her account on inkitt. YOU guys can also search fir the same username it's there, our lovely story MERCY is there❣️


@CKTJLILU ugh I hate autotype, *for^_^


@Fireheart7603 and @Sanjana_S_Pillai
          I just found out that amy_149 has deactivated her account on insta and she has moved on to other platforms..... I just found out her account on inkitt. YOU guys can also search fir the same username it's there, our lovely story MERCY is there❣️


@CKTJLILU ugh I hate autotype, *for^_^


Hey author.. Do u know what happened to the author of Mercy... I can't find her account and stories... 


@Sanjana_S_Pillai Heyyy, I just found out that her account has been deleted and she told that she'll be republishing her books soon..... I'm trying to find her insta ID.... will share if I get it....


Knock....Knock, do you want some more Taekook Recs?
          *You're recommender hides herself, as she's followin Ggukkie's typing style.....
          Well, how have you all been? Hope, you're doing well.... 
          So, the reason for this announcement- I have been craving to come online and recommend, as i have got lots of books to recommend, but my exams are coming up and I am freakin out and hey, it's never too late to start studyin, isn't it....
          Also, today is my First Love's Birthday, who's Chinese- How many of you guys know who's Dylan Wang?❤️‍.....
          Anyways, I'll be recommending one lovely book which has two parts. Thus, this is my recommendation for the day, as I'm obsessed with Dylannn.... I'm sure you'll all be loving this author's book.*