[☆☾]*Dances in* 
          	*Falls face first*
          	*Stands and smiles*
          	I LIIIIIVE! :D ... XD I'm super anxious and actually have to be up this late to be ready for my new job that starts... today, actually, at 4:30 pm. So, yeah! XD I'm gonna try and be on here more, My BF has sucked me into Fire Emblem Heros and Wizard101 so I've been playing that with him and occasionally rping on mc on one of my favorite servers! ^u^
          	But yeah, catch up with Maxie! If ya wanna like, rp or something, tag me to where ever ya wanna rp at and I'll be sure to do so when I can! Byyyeee! <3[☽☆]


[☆☾]*Dances in* 
          *Falls face first*
          *Stands and smiles*
          I LIIIIIVE! :D ... XD I'm super anxious and actually have to be up this late to be ready for my new job that starts... today, actually, at 4:30 pm. So, yeah! XD I'm gonna try and be on here more, My BF has sucked me into Fire Emblem Heros and Wizard101 so I've been playing that with him and occasionally rping on mc on one of my favorite servers! ^u^
          But yeah, catch up with Maxie! If ya wanna like, rp or something, tag me to where ever ya wanna rp at and I'll be sure to do so when I can! Byyyeee! <3[☽☆]


          I AIN'T DEAD, I SWEAR! XD
          I've been hanging with an mc friend- well, kinda? We found out we had feelings, dated for a few days, are now on break until we can fix ourselves a little and until we can meet next year! I'm excited for that! :D 
          But yeah, I'm alive and well, I had been working on a few rp ideas for this account and maybe my hetalia one? I dunno, depends on my drive honestly!
          Anyways, how y'all doing? :3
          (Also, don't mind that this was wrote 2am my time, I'm going to bed rn- XD)[☽☆]


It wasn't, it wasn't! We just got a little scare, but everything turned out fine! I promise! :D AND SHH, NO WORRY- XD 


            XD Yeah! Oof, and good! Better be not bad! T3T and I ALWAYS WORRY- XD


XD Good, then! :D And a bit of both, but thankfully the bad hectic wasn't too bad in the end, so don't worry- XD 


[☆☾]But like, heyo, I live today- XD[☽☆]


XD And cool! I'm glad you had him to talk to, then! :D


            [☆☾]*huggles* Yee- XD and yeah! He's pretty cool! ^u^[☽☆]
            [☆☾]XD I KNEW YOU WERE GONNA SAY THAT![☽☆]
            [☆☾]TOSH, MY CHILD! :D[☽☆]


[☆☾]Alrighty! So... hah, I know only a few will see this, and I know only a few will care but.. I figured this was the best way to tell y'all and get it out there.
          I'm.. not okay. I'm struggling, a lot. It's a hassle to get outta bed, it's hard to make myself eat, it's hard to even get on here or on Discord to talk to my friends/family.. It hurts, to see y'all happy where I'm just in a pit of sadness and just, hating myself. I hate being home. I hate not having anything to do. I hate not having a routine. I hate... not having motivation to do anything.
          Now don't get me wrong! I love that everyone's happy, healthy, and enjoying themselves! But... I kinda want that too, ya know? I wish I could put myself out there and make friends with new people but... I know it's just going to go up in flames like my past friendships have.. I have a hard time connecting with others because I fear abandonment. That's a fear I didn't realize I had until I noticed I wouldn't make friends or put myself out there and when I did make friends, I pushed and pushed them away to see if they would leave me...
          I guess it has to do with my past family issues that I got that fear.. but it's also my fear of being hurt that makes me not want to.. because I've been hurt many times and I can't handle the pain anymore. 
          I love you guys, I always will. I'm not trying to call myself to attention, I'm not trying to make anyone feel bad or feel sorry for me.. but, I was taught by my 2 online Sestra's that I need to tell people when I'm not okay.. something that I can't do irl.. so, thank you for reading this if you did. I love you, have an amazing day. <3[☽☆]


this message may be offensive
            [☆☾]It's all the help I need though, Cups, thanks.. it means a lot. XD I do! I promise! And I'm sorry! I'll try not too! ;n; and thank goodness, I would be fucking destroyed if ya left without me having any way of contacting ya. ;-;[☽☆]


            //Well hey, I'm not your parents, I'm your sister! Talking to me about how you're doing is what I want you to do! I'm glad that you posted this so I could reach out and help, even if it's not a lot of help! Also, you better trust me XD. But anyway, real talk, no more forgetting! I can and will spam you with reminders that you mean the world to Kuma and I! And don't worry, if I had even the slightest feeling I was leaving wattpad, I'd pm you and Kuma my phone number so you wouldn't lose touch with me!


this message may be offensive
            [☆☾]I knooow, I just feel like shit when I do, guess I got that due to growing up my parents made me feel bad for saying how I felt so.. kinda stook. Also, I know! Makes me happy when I make ya happy! ... I trust ya, I always do. XD I didn't mean to forget! Just slipped! And I know ya guys do, I love ya too! Why I never wanna lose ya guys![☽☆]


°•°|-Hey Maxie! How have you been? It's been a while, huh?-|°•°


            °•°|-Yes, of course!-|°•°


            [☆☾]Yeah, I agree with ya! That and loyalty! ^u^[☽☆]


            °•°|-Well, that's the greatest thing a person can have. If you don't mind PMing me then we can discuss a fandom and a plot.-|°•°


| ; i rickrolled 3 people


            [☆☾]XD Oh my god, pops-[☽☆]




| ; im feeling sad since i had a crappy night and stayed up till 5 am bawling my eyes out so here's an angsty rp thing  i don't know you can ignore this i'm sorry- ; |
          toshinori was in the hospital again. for what?
          his condition had gotten even worse seemingly overnight. tubes, wires and machinery were all hooked up to the skeletal man's body, the beep of the heart monitor filling the silence. he knew he'd be here for a while, but this time it was more terrifying than normal. nurses and doctors were coming by more often, and nobody was telling him where his kids were.
          his kids.
          he wanted to see them, terribly. he wanted to hold them close and tell them everything was gonna be ok, tell them that he'd get better like he always did.
          he just hoped they'd visit soon. it'd felt like an eternity since he last saw them or anyone else aside from the hospital staff.
          | ; againifyouwannaignorethisthatsfineijustwantedtodropthishereimsorryhaveagoodday- ; |


            | ; thank you! i'll probably feel better in a day or two, and oh god applesauce tastes amazing ; |
            Toshinori held onto them all tightly, hiccuping softly. 
            "I thought... i wouldn't be able to see any of you." He whispered softly, giving each of them a kiss on the head. 
            "god, kids... i'm sorry... i-i'll get better soon, ok? then w-we can go home!" He was trying to sound happy, but the cracks in his voice said otherwise.


            [☆☾]Awww, Pops! I'm sorry to hear that! I hope you feel better! ;-;[☽☆]
            Yamiyo sighed in relief then quickly went and woke up his sisters, getting them to follow him as they rushed to catch up with the doctor. When they got to the door, all 3 became anxious about what they might see in there... but, knew they had to be their for their father in his time of need. When they walked in, and when they saw their father cry, all rushed over and quickly engulfed him into a gentle hug as they fought back their own tears... why was life so cruel to him? Hadn't he suffered enough as it is..?


            | ; yeah uh so i take that back, i got sick twice today and i had to be taken home earlier, i don't think i can go to school since we think i caught a stomach bug so i'm thriving- ; |
            The doctor nodded a little bit as she glanced down at her clipboard again for a moment. 
            "Yes, you can see him. He's stable enough so visitors can come in, but we are only allowing family and close friends for now." She turned around. 
            "Down this hallway." She waited for the three of them to get up before leading them down to Toshinori's room. Knocking lightly, she pushed the door open.
            "Mr. Yagi? You have visitors today." As soon as the word visitors left her mouth, Toshinori sat upright and looked over, and just the sight of the three kids overwhelmed him enough for him to start crying.


| ; you're more aesthetic than me please teach me


            [☆☾]I CALL BULL, I AIN'T![☽☆]


            | ; UM????? YES YOU aRE??


            [☆☾]Pfffttt- that's funny, Pops! XD I ain't that aesthetic.[☽☆]