Gotta say this, really i do. I thankyou all.. every last one of you who read my stories. Mainly Pulse Virus, i have doubted myself multiple times that i can not pull her story off. My god, I hope she isn't too drama like or anything. I try to keep as much in character as possible. and i know the chapters are taking longer to get posted but i have to say it. Thankyou to all who reads it or even give it a chance to be viewed. I love it
When i first wrote it, i wasn't really planning on posting it. It was just a little side-quest of mine, that i know i wasn't going to write. And i'm guessing you all may have questions about her. If not, that's fine. I just love her. She can one of those unforgiving femme's, nothing like Elita, Chromia or their sisters, or she could be your best friend. Lol, Decepticons learn that the hard way, and so did some of the autobots.
Again, thankyou for reading it. I will have the next chapter up eventually.