
Wahhhh!!! Exo's monster is the best!!!! I love you Exo!!!mwahhhh!!! I'll support you forevs!!!! 


Hello powz!!! Hindi muna ako magw wp ir update kasi magiging busy nako!! Travel  with my best buddies
          Sorry sa pang week na lang muna ang updates!!! Bye guys!!! Jet a'ime loves
          ~~~ Ate CLover with love...


Hello everyone. To those who are reading the MBLIMB . I am sorry because I deleted it already.  Don't worry I have another story upcoming. Its the story I promised you in the authors note. Its title is Miss President's Not So Clichéd Love Story. I will publish it soon. Again sorry for deleting the MBLIMB. Sorry for the inconvenience.  Thankyou