Chapter 8, finally up!!! After so long damn. I need to step it up☝
          	Please go vote and read?❤✴✳


Thanks for all the support that you've given me. I appreciate that so much. You've given me feedback on my very first book on wattpad and I wanted to thank you.
          Xoxo Aniya ❣❣


Please don't be offended if I suddenly unfollow you or don't follow you back quickly. Because honestly I'm following 100 more people than people that are following me.
          I know I've said this before but I need followers to view my books and give me feedback not those who just want to look famous. Please don't get offended or agitated as I follow and unfollow the same people often.


I followed u but u didn't follow me back I'm unfollowing 


 Okay sorry late reply phone was broken 


@haigurl-2003  ok im really sorry, i just wasnt online this whole time. My deepest apologies❤