Chapter 8(?) of "A Nonbinary Bean's Nonsensical Thoughts" has been published. I didn't have much to write this time, but it's about binding.


Made some edits to chapter 8, may be more coming soon


Some of the upcoming "chapters" in my newest work might be a bit shorter. Partially because I don't have a lot to write, and partially because I want to try writing some shorter chapters to help keep peoples' attention and just to see how it goes.


Chapters 5 and 6 of "A Nonbinary Bean's Nonsensical Thoughts" have been published! (man, I really need to stop doing this every time I publish a chapter)
          Chapter 5 is about my struggles and good experiences with coming out, and chapter 6 is about my experiences with being demiromantic.


Also, it's 11:00 PM where I am, so I'm going to sleep, which means no more new chapters 'til morning. If it's also late where you are, please get some rest. Goodnight (or good day/afternoon if it's daytime where you are)!


Chapter 4 of "A Nonbinary Bean's Nonsensical Thoughts" is published! It talks about how I realized I'm (probably) nonbinary.


In case anyone's wondering, I have 7 parts written, I just haven't published them all. I want to:
            A. Try to make this the best it can be
            B. Have a few parts written for if I don't do a lot of writing and need to publish something
            And, a reminder to drink water and take care of yourself. You got this.


I've been offline for a long time, but I'm back! At least for now. I don't plan on being super active, but I'll be on sometimes.
          Regarding my old work, "Dive"; I don't plan on adding a lot more for a while. Partially because I haven't been as into the game it's based on and could use a bit of a refresher on the lore, and partially because I'm working on new things (which I'll get to in a second). I have, however, been going back through what I already wrote and making some small tweaks, but for now, that'll stay about the same as before.
          I've started a new project; it's a bit of a peek into my mind. Since I was last online, I've realized a lot about myself, including that I'm nonbinary! I still have so much more to learn about myself, but I wanted to share some of my journey here, for anyone experiencing similar things, or those who are just curious. I'm not entirely certain whether I'll end up publishing it or not, so I'd love to hear peoples' thoughts about the idea. If I do publish it, I'll already have a few parts done.
          Happy Holidays!


Update: I'm thinking I'll publish the first part or two as a trial run to see how it does and go from there.