I will be going through a mass edit of my Naruto fanfic. After so long I need a refresher.


Hello, hope the editing is going well. Just wanted to wish you a happy Memorial Day. 


Hello, sorry for the very late reply. Real life interfered and my editing was put on pause, but it is going well. I will do mass reposting of chapters sometime in the following weeks before updating new chapters. Thank you for wishing me a happy memorial day and I hope you had a great holiday in the last few weeks too!!


HEYY TO ALL MY NARUTO FANFIC READERS!! My latest chapter seems a bit off, like the full chapter was not published. I don’t know if it’s just me, but it would be helpful if someone can notify me if it’s the same for them.


Thank You I’ll reupload it with the new chapter


The latest chapter that I saw was “A Conspiracy Unfolds”


So I’ve started Pharmacy School. I’m drowned in 8 classes which I have to study everyday for. I will see when time allows me to write and update. Thank you all so much for understanding.


@OpalWood21 Thank you! I appreciate the support. 


Great job getting into pharmacy school. Hope your classes are going well. 


@EyescreamTamago Thank you!!! I struggle so hard for it now I gotta work to stay in


I’m re-editing my chapters to fix more of the grammar. Is there anyone willing to go over it as a beta. I feel like it never comes out completely right if i do it myself. 


A lot of my chapter have amateur writing, so if anyone is willing to restructure sentences and paragraphs, I’d be more than grateful. I don’t like how some chapters are written, because it feels to wordy or just doesn’t flow that well. 


Plus access to unpublished chapters haha


So, my current Naruto Fanfic is coming along well. The chapter updates are very slow right now, sorry about that, but I’m working on it. I just wanted to express how there’s this other Naruto Fanfic I’m writing for myself, just to get out all my kinks so I could work on my published one better. It’s much shorter with looonnnnggg chapters and I honestly didn’t think it would last, but now I plan to publish it once it’s done. Crossroads is a slow burn, this one I’m writing is too, but it’s more fast paced yet still as detailed. 
          Its a niche story though, purely made in my own interests. It’s a three way relationship in the founders era involving Kakashi, Madara, and Tobirama. Yes. A three way poly relationship. Current title I have for it is “Madness Between Them”. It’s a romantic-action and political story.
          Summary: Kakashi finds himself stranded in years long since passed, unfamiliar and lost. He searches for answers, only to find himself caught between two men he knew better to stay away from. They were mad, powerful, and dangerous. Kakashi was just as mad for not heeding the warnings.
          What do you think?


@EyescreamTamago @arezou_lava 
            Crossroads is my main focus so don’t worry about me dropping it. I started writing this new one along with a bunch of other plot bunnies to clear my head, and this one just stuck out of all of them. I realize the ship may be awkward for some but I fell down the Tobirama x Madara rabbit hole and cant get out. At first it was just supposed to be a Kakashi time travel, but then I was like “huh, he should date someone for drama” and then I was like “wait, worldbuilding” and then I was like “Tobirama x Madara otp and shove Kakashi between them” and somehow it developed a very serious plot. 
            for Tamago, here’s a sneak peak to the writing (Everything will be edited but this is my draft):
            He felt the presence just behind the shadow of one of the many trees on the right of the path behind him and waited with baited breath. It didn’t take long for them to finally step out, and Kakashi couldn’t help but express his surprise at who it was. Red eyes regarded him with mild curiosity as vivid features remained impassive. The three bold red lines etched onto both his cheeks and chin, the white spiked hair, the blue armor. There was no doubt to who this person was and now it made his apparent lack of awareness make sense.
            Senju Tobirama frowned deeper the longer the silence stretched out between them. “What kind of business would a Hatake have with one of our own?” He asked.


it seems like a very interesting story and i will read it once it comes out :) i just hope u don’t drop crossroads and continue updating it whenever u have the time 


I’m going to edit my previous chapters for the next few days until I post. Since it’s been a while I’d like to see how everything holds up. I always find mistakes each time I read it over.


@arezou_lava I cant believe I never replied. Shame on me. And oml, I cant believe you’ve been reading it so much. I’m gonna go cry in happiness now.


@COvER3 I cant wait for u to post again :) I love your Crossroads book and I'm rereading it for the 3rd time :))))