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Hi! I just want to say I'm fascinated with Dalton. I've read it on and it was awesome, it clearly transports you to another world. Also your writing and imagination is flawless, I enjoy every paragraph of your work and I want to propose you something. I want to translate Dalton into spanish. Yeah I know maybe it's too late but I really want it. Your work needs to be appreciated by the other part of the fandom, and I might be exaggerating a bit, but it's the truth. Of course, if you accept I'm going to give you all the rights that you deserve, the credits of the idea... all will going to be by your name. I just want so bad to do this (in part because it will be a way to improve my english). Please think about it. I already sent you a dm by ig. I hope you consider my proposal. Greetings and hugs from Ecuador.