
Well this is a late one, just finished chapter 14 of "son of all might" fairly big chapter, hope you guys like it, also got somethings in the making, sorry for the slow progress but work and college have been a pain, but only 1 more year of college then I'm full time mechanicing  updates will be slow but please bear with me, and as always I hope you guys like my stories and stay safe
          	Love you guys


Well this is a late one, just finished chapter 14 of "son of all might" fairly big chapter, hope you guys like it, also got somethings in the making, sorry for the slow progress but work and college have been a pain, but only 1 more year of college then I'm full time mechanicing  updates will be slow but please bear with me, and as always I hope you guys like my stories and stay safe
          Love you guys


Hi author i just wanted to ask when are you gonna update the bakugou's younger brother x bnha?


@hoppybonnie hi hoppybonnie, I've been tryna re-write some parts of my stories so that ones sadly gone to the back of my mind but once I'm done with the re-writes I'll hope on and get new chapter out


Hey guys, I just wanna let you know I'm gonna be re-writing a few of my stories so the main ones and also the side ones won't be updated anytime soon but I hope you are gonna like the re-writes and hope you guys are doing good during this pandemic, anyway see ya!


Sorry guys but I'm gonna be going on an all story hiatus, I don't know when I'll next update but I'm very busy right now so thanks for the support and hope your all good during the pandemic


@lawsoncharlie2005 The BNHA one? If so I'm loving it and think it's great


@TheLurkingOne I'm working on that now but it won't be out until next week as that's when I'm off school but I hope your enjoying the story


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I would just like to mention everyone who has read my stories, thank you, I didn't think that so many people would read the pieces of shit that I wrote but you guys did, I know I'm about 200 reads late but thank you for getting my first story to 1k, it means so much to me, and I hope you are all doing good during this time