⏖﹒    i fear my dusty man portrayal will not be up to par,  this account and my mind has many shigaraki cobwebs..  LMAO 


@CREM8TE    /     &&.  here too  ,  if that's alright! 


⠀‎⠀ʚɞ‎ ⠀ !!!


⏖﹒    i fear my dusty man portrayal will not be up to par,  this account and my mind has many shigaraki cobwebs..  LMAO 


@CREM8TE    /     &&.  here too  ,  if that's alright! 


⠀‎⠀ʚɞ‎ ⠀ !!!


⏖﹒       cleansed this crusty ass board, not confirming that i'll be active on here..


⏖﹒   @kondakus  
               HAD to change it, even if i don't end up using him. it's just like a thing i do with my accs after some time.


@CREM8TE    ⁽ᵒᵒᶜ⁾    *    theme  slaps  so  hard  RAHH


'm  fine,  's  jus'  a  little  blood.  why  d'you  even  care?  
                   ⵢ    his  words  are  slurring  because  he's  lost  so  much  blood  lol  &  his  accent  is  peeking  out  when  he  usually  tries  to  his  it  ?!  french  person...  disgusting!!!  /j


  as   if   i'd   let   those   heroes   be   the   end   of   me.     (    he   scoffed,    before   sighing   as   he  fully assessed   the   others   wounds.    tomura's   first   reaction   was   to   reach   out   and   touch,   though   he jolted   back   from   doing   so.   he's   not   one   for   human   contact   that   and   his   quirk,   though   he   felt   kind   of   idiotic.  in   that   moment.  for   shirking   back.   he'd   had   his   gloves   on...    as   he   always   did  around   her.   what   was   he   even   doing,  he   had   no   idea   how   to  handle   this   kind   of   damage.   this   was   more   kurogiri's   style.   the   males   skin   began   to   itch,   his   irritation   building   up   at   his   own    lack   of   skill   in   this   area   of   expertise.   a   grumble   of   frustration   escaped   him,   eyes   shifting   around   for   something   that   could   aid   in   the   moment.     )      damn   it..     (     ripping   some   cloth   up,    he   gestured   it   in   front  of   her   mouth,   his   own   brows   creasing   in   concentration.     )   bite   down   on.  this.     i'll   figure   out   how   to   stop   the   bleeding   or    something..   ugh.    (    with   his   free   hand,    he   begins   to   itch   at   the   skin   on   his   neck.   his   red   eyes   beaming   with   irritation.   confusion.   a  hint  of  loss.    he   hated   feeling   incapable.      )    i'll   fix   this. 
                              ৎ.  @manimotion 
                   for real, tomura work on that bro. STOP, i can't take this seriously if u make jokes... (yes i can) 


'm  sorry.    (    is  all  that  is  said,  voice  just  barely  audible.  the  bottom  half  of  his  shirt  had  been  torn  off  in  the  attack,  but  that  was  the  least  of  their  worries  at  the  moment.    )    you  were  about  to   ⸻   they  were  gonna  hurt  you  guys.  if  i  didn't  do  somethin',  then  one  of  you  would've  been  hurt.    (    a  weak  chuckle  leaves  her,  as  he  stares  down  at  the  other.  kenji  rolls  her  eyes  in  a  playful  manner,  attempting  to  lighten  the  mood.   )    as  if..   you  can't  get  rid  of  me  that  easily. 
                     ⵢ    YAYY  I'M  GLAD  YOU  THINK  SO!!!!  he's  just  emotionally  constipated!!  it's  okay!!  she's  over  here  making  jokes  while  bleeding  out,  so  they'll  be  alright!!


    shut   up...     and   stop   talking,   you're   just   making   the  blood   flow    faster.    (   he   grumbles,    brows   creasing   with   what  could   be   placed   as   annoyance.  the  light   blue   haired   male   was   so   concentrated,   he'd   just   barely   focused   on   her   tone   of   voice  shifting,   )     why  the   hell   were   you   even   on   the   front   lines?    you   better   not   die,   i   still   need your    help.
                                 ৎ.   @manimotion 
                     I LOVE THAT HES FRENCH.  so unique tbh.  also don't mind shigaraki not being able to express that he needs someone!!  he likes his accent but would never say it well not at first 


       ⏖      ﹒         the league of villains angst gamer leader is here!!


       ⏖            ﹒    yippeee!!


         ⵢ     yesss  that's  her !!!!!   he  is  here  and  reporting  for  duty !!!!


forgot the tag goodbye / @manimotion 