Hi there!! So, for anyone who read my book 'Love By Chance' before I temporarily took it down, this announcement is for you:
1. I changed the description of my book slightly, so you can check that out if you want. The reason being that I wrote that description before I even started properly writing the book, and it turned out to be a lot different from what I originally thought it would be.
2. I am still editing and writing more of the book. And it will be up for you to read SOON :) I haven't changed much, but I might add in one or two things, so if you would like to read it over, you can, but the basic story line is the same as before :)
Well, that's all from me, oh wait! One more thing...
3. A biiiiiig thank you to all those readers of my book! You were SO encouraging and helpful to me with all your comments and I'm so thankful to you :)
Well, by for now!
Remember: Lottie and Ben and Trixie and Hunter and all the rest will be back here soon for your viewing :)
Pluto xxx