For those who are reading The Machina De Diaboli. I will be changing the title and will be updating the book in the next couple of weeks in hopes of bringing Jax's adventures to a close.
For those who are reading The Machina De Diaboli. I will be changing the title and will be updating the book in the next couple of weeks in hopes of bringing Jax's adventures to a close.
To those who follow my account, I will be focusing on the newest story 1st and going backwards from there. Thank you for your patience with my slow and random schedule
I have been reading the abyss of kuoh and it is really interesting since I haven't seen many Darksouls stories and it is really enjoyable but I have a question are the abyss watchers going to be added?
Stan Lee has passed away on his day at the age of 95.
He will be missed. Bless his soul on the way to heaven.
Stan Lee
It is a dark day in history today....
.....Happy Memorial Day