
Hi everyone. I hope you're all well. I know that I've been gone for more than a year, and unfortunately, I'm not returning with great news. The chances that I will be returning to write on Wattpad right now are very slim. As I mentioned a year ago, I took a break to work on my mental health. Balancing college and Wattpad is not easy, and time flies by when you're studying to be a writer. You read, and write, and critique, and you barely have time for yourself. 
          	I deeply apologize to those of you who have been waiting for my return, though I believe many of you have moved on from me by now. Regardless, thank you for all the support you've given me through these years. Thank you for reading my crappy books (that now, as an adult and a writer, I can look back on and laugh at). I really hope you're all well. Don't forget that you are your number one priority; not the likes, the validation - you come first. 
          	Again, thank you! And let's all hope things change for us all in 2021.


@CUniQue_Love I’m glad that your okay and I think what you are doing is totally valid as you r putting yourself and your needs/wants first, I hope you are able to find time for yourself now and truly be happy, good luck on your dreams and goals and thank you for writing the books that you have I really did enjoy them and as sad as it does make me that you won’t be writing anymore I am grateful that I at least got the chance to read some of your work. Again good luck and have fun, enjoy life as it’s very short, don’t waste it getting validation. Do what makes you happy:)



Hi everyone. I hope you're all well. I know that I've been gone for more than a year, and unfortunately, I'm not returning with great news. The chances that I will be returning to write on Wattpad right now are very slim. As I mentioned a year ago, I took a break to work on my mental health. Balancing college and Wattpad is not easy, and time flies by when you're studying to be a writer. You read, and write, and critique, and you barely have time for yourself. 
          I deeply apologize to those of you who have been waiting for my return, though I believe many of you have moved on from me by now. Regardless, thank you for all the support you've given me through these years. Thank you for reading my crappy books (that now, as an adult and a writer, I can look back on and laugh at). I really hope you're all well. Don't forget that you are your number one priority; not the likes, the validation - you come first. 
          Again, thank you! And let's all hope things change for us all in 2021.


@CUniQue_Love I’m glad that your okay and I think what you are doing is totally valid as you r putting yourself and your needs/wants first, I hope you are able to find time for yourself now and truly be happy, good luck on your dreams and goals and thank you for writing the books that you have I really did enjoy them and as sad as it does make me that you won’t be writing anymore I am grateful that I at least got the chance to read some of your work. Again good luck and have fun, enjoy life as it’s very short, don’t waste it getting validation. Do what makes you happy:)


Note To My Followers pt 2
          Suicide should never be an option. But it is to so many young people. I hope at least one person sees this. I hope you understand that everyday is a chance to be happy. Every second is an opportunity to laugh. Because death isn't happiness. Death is an end to the book you've been reading...the ending of the movie you've been waiting to see. And if that book was garbage or that movie bored the crap out of you then your time would've been wasted. Let your life be your book. Make it worth wild and make everyday bring you joy, no matter how bad it's been. 
          I haven't been writing because I've been so depressed. I've thought of suicide at least once a day. But I've given myself purpose. I'm going to school for writing now and I'm working a novel "The Beauty in Dying Eyes." It will be about being a young person who suffers with anxiety and depression. I'm not advertising it because I'm not even sure I'll ever finish it. But that doesn't matter. I hope you, the person reading this, understand that your life was meant to be happy. The moment you're born is a blessing that brings joy to the world. You are you and you control how you feel. Do your best to be happy. I'll do mine.


@ CUniQue_Love  
            You said you weren't going to reply to comments and stuff and you're probably never even going to see this but-
            I just wanted to say,
            Thank you. Just. Thank you. 


@CUniQue_Love Just remember that we love you, whenever you're feeling down, cos we might not have seen you before, or ever see you but we are the friends you haven't met, so cheer up and smile. You mean something to us, and me especially. There's no need to feel stupid about your feelings, just be happier, okay?


@CUniQue_Love Hey, I really hope you're happy and feeling great! There isn't any need to feel stupid for posting this, it's actually a good thing when you're confronting your feelings because you'll feel relieved when you share your thoughts with the ones you trust. Running away from your problems by choosing suicide isn't an option because you only get one life. 
            Just do what you love and don't  care what others think. There ARE people who care about your happiness. Spend your time with them and I'm sure you'll feel better. We're here for you if you need to talk or need a long rant sesh hahah.
            We all have our ups and downs and bad times never last long. There's always a rainbow after a rain. We love you so much and I hope you have a great day wherever you are! <3


Note To My Followers pt 1
          I feel stupid for posting this. I don't want it to come off as a cry for attention. Because it isn't. It's not a cry for help either and I probably won't reply to any comments below whether it's love or hate or if there's none at all. In fact, if no one said a word I would understand. Because what I'm about to say isn't something anyone really knows how to reply to. 
          I've been struggling with suicidal thoughts. It's not new. I've been struggling for most of my life. And I've never felt happiness for more than three minutes. I've never counted the seconds but I feel it. Thoughts of how worthless I am always return. I would laugh and then think about how stupid my laugh must be...or how loud I must be...or how the person laughing with me must be forcing it to keep me happy...or laughing while they look around the library with wide eyes to see if anyone is mocking me too. 


@CUniQue_Love I know it’s hard, sometimes it hurts and you notice things more than you think you do. But actually if you notice, we don’t Remember our good times sometimes and always think negative because of the negativity around us. Just maybe think of stuff as a positive way. It can be hard but it’s something that could help. If something happens, maybe talk to someone about it. I would love to talk to someone and I won’t mind. I don’t know if it could help or if you read this at all but It’s a struggle. And most times suicidal thoughts come in like a tornado, no matter where or when. But the best thing to do is calm down and breath. Take deep breaths and take a moment to write what you feel. Keep a journal with you. It will help. 


Guys, my publish button isn't working.  (~_~) Not sure what to do right now, but I'll wait.