Please update the doctor who book please
Reading Lists
As of now, I have some (NOT ALL) of my new stories on my tumblr. I will be adding the current wattpad stories on there as well, but for now, I am working on moving everything as a whole over there and will be using the new stories I've been working on, as a way for people to more easily find me. As of right now, there are mainly Naruto fanfictions, however everything else will be going on the blog as well. Thank you, I appreciate you patience, and my Tumblr name will be as is below ambroziadelphine
Please update the doctor who book please
Please put Soldier boy on Tumblr. I am dying to read more. It's one of my favorites.
What's your Tumblr
Will you continue soldier boy on tumblr?
@Zoey35179 i am unsure. I most likely will, as it is a single movie and therefore a shorter timeline to plan for, however I am currently looking into which stories I am willing to put up for adoption for another author to take over. I will post in a few days which stories I will be continuing on Tumblr, and which ones will only be posted to what it is at currently. Plus any current draft I had in the making of when the books went on hold
Will you be leaving the stories you already have on here because even if the ones you have on here aren't finished I still like reading
@aajones2 yea, I'll keep these stories up, I'm currently deciding which stories to give up for adoption rn. So far, already 2 people are interested in continuing spicy peaches but I wanna make sure my stories go to the right author.
As of now, I have some (NOT ALL) of my new stories on my tumblr. I will be adding the current wattpad stories on there as well, but for now, I am working on moving everything as a whole over there and will be using the new stories I've been working on, as a way for people to more easily find me. As of right now, there are mainly Naruto fanfictions, however everything else will be going on the blog as well. Thank you, I appreciate you patience, and my Tumblr name will be as is below ambroziadelphine
Hello everyone. I have good and bad news for everyone. Bad: Wattpads age of consent and code of conduct are changing as of April 15th, 2024. They are also using an AI content reviewing system that has been making a lot of mistakes and deleting books within the new guidlines. This is why i am sad to say that i will be leavin this platform in a few days after transfering all my stories into google docs. Good: i will be moving to tumblr! I will post my account here once it is complete and will have my previous stories as well as new stories posted. I cannot promise to continue on the books currently on hold, as i have plenty of other works i am more interested in, but for certain stories, if someone dm's me asking to take over a story, i may take it into consideration. Once i have finished the masterlist to the storiea are easy to find on my page, i will notify you all again and i appreciate your support thus far. I will post a chapter in all my stories to notify any of my readers not currently following me. Wattpad used to be the one place id go to if i needed to vent or just turn my brain off, now it is turning into something it never was. They are trying to paint this site as a kids app, which we all know it is not. Rating a story as mature no longer cuts it, so i will now be on tumblr. You may also tip me on tumblr when it is up for story suggestions, just to support, or to encourage me to write. I appreciate all of you who have stuck by me and you have no idea how much these stories mean to me. Thank you, and i will post a petition i was given to try to stop this change on wattpad when i can. I have signed it, and hope anyone who wishes to stay here does as well. I never wanted to leave this platform, but i will not support hypocritical media sites after being a loyal supporter for so long.
I don’t know if you know this but Wattpad has decided to change an age thing in books to 18+ sex scenes only, I don’t fully know how to explain it. It’s in the news and updates book. But they are apparently changing a lot of things. I don’t want you to get blindsided by a book being deleted and not being told why. I’d back up your books on google docs, Microsoft word, or something. I think you can imply things for underaged stuff but can’t go fully into it. There was also something about dark themes. It’s hard to explain. Any thing that triggers their ai that scanning books, even if it’s nothing, can get deleted. Again it’s hard to explain. I think a lot of authors are getting blindsided and are leaving Wattpad. If I could get help letting other authors know I’d be a big help. Wattpads news and updates book explains it better than I can Their new guidelines are so vague so it’s hard to figure out what they were wanting. They’re making it so any book with sex scenes and too detailed kissing scenes with 17 and lower are deleted. I think it’s stupid and many people are not happy. Although it’s an ai scanning through books. Other authors I’ve seen are going to age up their characters even though the vampires like Stefan and Edward are physically 17. It doesn’t matter what their vampire age is. Or the mc is 17 turning 18. Wattpad doesn’t care. They have to be 18 if there are s*x scenes I think how they wrote it kissing and hand holding are the only thing 17 and under are allowed to do as long as it’s not too detailed. But I’d just have books backed up somewhere just in case because other authors have had their books deleted even when they follow the new and old guidelines. Some of them didn’t have their books backed up because they thought they were safe.
Will you update your other books, like "the skarsis paradigm" when you can? If not it's fine.
This is an announcement regarding any of my readers. I apologize for my lack of updates on my stories as of late. I write when I hyperfixate on a fandom and thus make contact related to what I'm interested in at that time. I have unfortunately moved of for now from my current fandoms and moved into new ones and have been writing many story drafts in my free time. I will revisit my current stories one day, but I would like to know if anyone would be interested in reading any of the stories I have kept in the drafts for a while now. My current hyperfixation is the anime Naruto, I've watched it since I was a kid and I decided to write a love story with some of my favourite characters, including Kakashi Hatake X Reader X Iruka Umino, Itachi X reader, and I am planning to make either an Obito X Reader, a Madara X reader, Hidan X reader or a Kankoro X reader. Currently the Kakashi X reader X Iruka has 6 chapters including 2 spicy scenes and it is what I am working on as of now. I also have 2 Avatar stories. one for the first movie as a Tsu'tey X mutant reader and one for the second movie as a Neteyam X 2023 reader. There is an Ethan Choi story where he's dating an ex-camgirl. Also a Nick Scratch X hufflepuff reader and that's it. You can comment which one you would like to be released and I will write a few extra chapters for which ones gets the most votes before posting what I have so far. Thank you for your time and patience!
DAMN!!! I don't know if I should call that scary or impressive. And interconnecting so many stories for one fandom takes serious dedication. I'm excited to see what you've come up with. But make sure to take care of yourself as well.
@OriannaNelson6 Soo.... I may have gone a slight bit crazy and now have like 10 Naruto fanfics in the works... P A I N They also are almost all interconnected so I'm really struggling with this man.. I'm so glad I actually like writing this because I would never put this much effort into anything other then writing.
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