Salut Les amis! We are here again to take you on another ride, this time around, into Ancient Egypt with this beautiful  piece by our very own oracle_21. Please follow the link below to access this wonderful  piece of well written art.


Hey  guy  we have been gone for a while but no worries because we are back in full force. We bring to you somethibg inspiring to lift your spirits and take you deeper in your relationship with God by our very own Priscilla Boakye.
           Moving Mountains is a collection of short stories about God, Faith and the holy Spirit. You won't want to miss out on this for any reason. So please take out time and dive in.
           You can access the story on Wattpad. The link is in our bio. 
          Happy reading ❤️


             My review on Moving Mountains by Priscilla Yiadom
            The book cover is lovely  
            It made me want to read the book however I don't know if the title on it, which contradicts the one on here is intentional or not...
            I did not read the blurb before diving into the story so I had no idea it was a collection of short stories. The stories I read seemed to have impactful messages and I believe with the necessary edits, most readers would be blessed by them.
            It was quite a struggle for me to keep reading because of the numerous errors I came across but kudos  to you for taking the steps to write these stories! 
            I know that with the right fine-tuning, you will get better when it comes to pouring exactly what's in your imagination on the pages of your books so we (the readers) will enjoy and be impacted.


            Review of Moving Mountains by Priscilla Yiadom
            Moving Mountains is a beautiful anthology of both fictional and nonfictional writings that all point back to Jesus. 
            I must commend the befitting title and book cover design. Indeed, this all will attract any believer and story lover seeking for edifying short stories to endorse him/herself in. 
            I must also commend the uniqueness of the characters' names and the sprinkle of timely and biblical themes in each unique storyline. 
            I believe that this work is in its raw, unrefined state and this can be worked on subsequently. 
            However I will strongly advise the author to kindly take out time to properly edit the entire book. Punctuation errors and the like can be a major turn off for people who are used to reading quality books and we must present whatever we write as Christian writers in the best possible light of quality and professionalism. 
            Thanks for writing for God's glory, dear author. 


             A Review of 'Moving Mountains' by Priscilla Yiadom.
            Dearest author, I have found this book interesting. The plots of each part of the story aren't the common ones. They seem so unique that I just be like, wow.
            While there are beautiful plots and even beautiful names, the lack of punctuation in the write-up makes it mind-numbing. Readers will find it hard to flow alongside the story seeing that there is nothing to direct on how the conversation goes.
            Also, there are things to be cleared up in the book as it may be confusing the readers. There were places you mix names up or you didn't tell the readers where the name came from. As it is a short story, clarity of the characters' details is important to avoid confusion.
            In that vein, the usage of wrong grammar and vocabulary tends to hold back the information that is meant to be passed across. That needs to be worked on to clear up confusion too.
            As I read through the book, I couldn't but notice that you are such a great writer. Even with the fact about lack of punctuation and all, I still learned a lot. Keep shining, dearest author. You are doing well. I hope to read more of your books.


Hello everyone! It is another time to get cosy and dive into the world of wonderful stories. This time around, we bring to you the concession by @taiwolily Taiwolillyz: 
          He gave himself up to save her
          He made the wrong choice now he had to pay the price.
          Careful little princess, careful little boy what you choose, for to consent, is to lose.
          The dragon's mouth is wide and filled with bones. It reeks of death and human flesh.
          With gold and diamond, he lures you in. 
          And like a sheep to the slaughter, you're served on a platter.
          He never gets enough; 
          Like a lion, he seeks whom to devour-his sole desire.
          So children, keep your concession.
          Or ye might be next. 
          Ye have been warned, the serpent never sleeps.
          You can either find this story on Wattpad by simply typing out the author's name Taiwolillyz or by clicking on this link.



Hey  everyone! Welcome to April, the month of Fruitfulness. We are still on the topic of love, hope and faith. So this time around, we present to you, UNTILL GRACE by our very own Ezeala Christine. It is a story of the life of a little girl and her brother as they walk in the path of faith despite the world turning against them. 
          James and Marilyn go about their days telling people about God and how awesome He is. Despite all the degrading they get, they put God first.
          This wonderful piece is found on Wattpad and can be accessed via this link. Rush  and get it guys!!



@CWRC-BOOKCLUB  This is another lovely book! 
            Lovely cover and title
            The plot and the character development between James and Marilyn flow gracefully well. 
            Hats off to the writer! 
            Love the videos attached at the beginning of the chapter. 
            You are an amazing writer, may God shower you with more blessings!


          Salut! Salut! Les amis
          Here comes another wonderful story of Hope, love and Faith from one of our upcoming authors *Prudence* known as *Jesus-girl* on Wattpad.
          The world today is filled with tons of issues going on. These issues sometimes weigh humans down and bring in depression. Millions of people commit suicide daily because they think there is no hope. Many are on the verge of losing hope. if you are one of those reading this then you should be happy you came across it. Sit tight and read about how we can find hope in situations that tend to weigh us down. 
          Here is the link guys!
          Shalom  ✌️️


Hello everyone  and welcome to the wonderful victorious and triumphant  month of March. Today we bring you a mouth-watering short story on Facebook by our very own *Gloria Boluwatife Arowojolu* you will be clued to your screens as you read it and you won't want it to finish. 
          Two ✌️ things you shouldn't forget to do after reading: 
          • LIKE
          • COMMENT ( Give a worthy  review of the story)
          The link to this story is on our bio and you can also follow the link below.


Here we go again guysyou don't want to miss out on this banger by Praise Abraham! Feel free to read read and read again!
          When Nisha receives her diagnosis of terminal breast cancer, her perfect world is shattered. Her best friend, Judith, is unwilling to let go of her so easily but Nisha knows why she is being punished. With her engagement to Austin at risk, Nisha sinks further into despair. Will the secrets of this trio compromise their relationship?
          _Lightning and thunder are natural phenomena that are mutually exclusive. Though one comes last, it outlives the other…_
          This story, told from the viewpoints of the three main characters—Nisha, Judith, and Austin—highlights the perpetual tug of war between fate and faith.  
          Rush  and enjoy


@CWRC-BOOKCLUB My review of Lightning and Thunder by Peculiar Praise
            This short story must read for every child of God, it's real and not predictive 
            When you're done reading and you re-read the blurb, you get an, "oh..." moment.
            Most atimes, when I read books published on here, I can tell that the idea is alive but not the words and grammar to express it, this story is not like that. You feel the words come alive at a point and for me, I was being spoken to through and through.
            I was so invested that I noticed the change of names which honestly confused me but of course, was evident of how hooked I was.
            May your works continue to bless us all, Praise  


The story is very unique with a different tone to it. I like the twists and turns, how you wrote things that we didn't see coming. I can tell you're very good at that. It made the story more interesting.
            I like how you made Crio's voice to be in a different font. The story is really good. I feel like you summarised or breezed past crucial scenes. I feel like the story could have slowed down a little in some scenes to make it more...impactful. Like Nisha's death or her finding out Judith liked Austin—Like how exactly did it all happen?
            I liked the lightning and thunder reference to the two girls, I think you should reference that more throughout the story.
            The characters felt two dimensional and a little bit hard to connect to.
            I feel that we need to learn how to establish relationships between characters in our books otherwise it just feels a little too unrealistic. I believe that it could be more intimate and real and beautiful, if you dove deep into the relationships with the characters.
            You're an amazing writer with and amazing story. You just need to slow it down a bit more. Don't be afraid to slow cook your story. Those are the best meals/books.


@CWRC-BOOKCLUB Thunder and Lightning by @PraiseAbraham 
            an incredible book! 
            I can see your growth as a Christian writer...
            Love the cover, it's very attractive. 
            Your characters Nisha, Judith, and Austin, I personally love their POVs and thanks for adding pictures at the start of every chapter, as a visual learner it brings so much clarity. 
            I like how you interact with with the readers by the end of every chapter, to keep your audience in check with you. 
            Your much blessed dear Praise. Your work is reaching many lives and hope you bring many souls to Christ by your work. 
            God Bless You


Hello everyone!  have you recovered from the thriller story of last time? No! I don't think soThis time around, we bring you a suspense-filled story.
           A shout out to Janet Abraham with her story titled *Redeemed*
          Does a happy marriage ever exist? 
          Miriam and Phineas have been married for 5 years but are they happy in it? What are the problems separating them? Will they ever reconcile?
          You won't want to miss this wonderful story filled with a lot of plot twists and suspense as earlier mentioned. Rush to wattpad at:
          Follow this link to have access to this wonderful story!!!


@CWRC-BOOKCLUB My review on Redeemed by Janet Abraham.
            Let me first start by apologizing for posting my review very late. I read the book long before the deadline was over but was unable to post a review because of network issues. Now back to my review.
            The title. As I read this book, I could not think of any better title for the story. This is truly a redemption story that displays the Father's genuine love. Just like Miriam's husband, God never give up on us. He is always willing to forgive and never wanting to let go. The unconditional Love of the Father can also be experienced in a redemption story. The story has such a rich content that is a must read for all ages.
            Suggestions. There were certain things I noticed as I read this short story that I highly recommend that the author should work on. One of them is fleshing out her characters. 2. Loopholes in the story plot that might put off a potential reader. 3. "Come out of her in Jesus name. The pastor cried." But it should be, "Come out of her, in Jesus name! The pastor commanded" This is because Christ has given us the authority to cast out devil. We have the authority to command demons and not to cry at them. 
            My suggestion is to recommend several writing classes, both on and offline for the author if she can take out the time. I believe it would go a long way because she has a great message to the world. God bless you sis and keep writing. ❤️❤️❤️


@CWRC-BOOKCLUB Thank you family for taking your quality time to read my book. Thank you so much for your sound review, very encouraging! 
            I hope to get back to better writing, God willing!


@CWRC-BOOKCLUB My Review for Redeemed by JF Abraham. 
            The book, Redeemed, was a beautiful read. I especially loved the short and concise 10 chapters that made up the book. 
            The main character, Miriam, was plagued with several challenges like infidelity, seizures, addiction to alcohol etc. Unknown to her that she was under the control of demons introduced into her life by her mother who was into satanism when she was an innocent child. 
            I learned that Jesus loves us the way we are and is willing to Redeem us totally. This is a story for everyone who is seeking freedom of an assurance of the Redemptive power of God. 
            More grace to the author! ❤️❤️❤️


Hey guys! Happy new  
          A shout out to @dilenu_da_spice_lady for her story, *Helplessly Bound* It is a story that talks about Zainab Haruna's 21st birthday that becomes a disaster. 
          The gift from her parents is a shocking revelation that she has been married to Danladi Yakubu for eleven years. 
          Now, according to the contract her parents signed with the Yakubus, it is time for her to fulfill her wifely duties. She is forced to stop her education and forgo her dreams of becoming a journalist. 
          Will she be able to find love and joy in such a hopeless situation? 
          There is surely a future hope for you, and your hope will not be cut off. - Proverbs 23:18 NIV
          guys! This story will spice up your day, week, and why not month. Rush and do not forget to follow @Dilenu to access this thrilling story!
          The link is right here guys


            Thank you for your review.  Because of how her expectations were cut off on her tenth birthday, she subconsciously blocked everything that had to do with that day. That's why when her family sprung the news of her marriage and how it happened,  it triggered those bitter memories she had forced herself to forget all those years. 
            Still, I will try to clarify that in the story. Thanks again! 


@WCWRC-BOOKCLUB  My Review on Hoplessly Bound by @Dilenu 
            The  begining of the story was sad because  Zainab thought she was going to have a big party with  friends and family  but instead was getting married to stranger she didn't  know . Her family never told her she was getting married at such a young age. 
            She was so sad her tenth birthday is not what  she wish for.
            Years later she was finally told that she was a married woman and she must stop school at once while in her father's office. 
            She was so disappointed her parents arrange for her to get married because the father agree  on partnership with Danladi father to save his business. 
            The story was quite good about Hausas culture and language. 
            This was a great story about child    marriages,  I suggest everyone should read this story because  is a lesson behind the story. 
            Keep up good work!  #CWRC


My review on Hoplessly Bound by Dilenu.
            "Why did you ask to see me?" "Because I want to give you the rules that you are to start following as my wife." Hopelessly Bound is a beautifully written story. I followed Zainab as I watched as events started happening too fast for her liking. What would you do when you find out that your parents had traded your happiness for their success and justified it with tradition? I love the mannerisms and actions that took place in this story. It was befitting for an average hausa family. Good job, Dilenu. I will continue reading the story because I really want to see how everything will progress. Keep writing sis. 