Today kicked off staff appreciation week at my job. It’s amazing how many friends I’ve made through coworkers in such short time since I haven’t even had this job for a full year quite yet. Everyone there just feels like a family to me, and it’s unbelievable. It’s only day one of teacher/staff appreciation week, and I already feel so appreciated and loved (and even spoiled with how they treated us to a free breakfast and some snacks/drinks throughout the day). I feel so lucky to have scored this job, and I’m grateful every single day for my amazing bosses and coworkers becoming such a big part and impact in my life. <3


@C_ROCKER31 im glad you found someplace you belong. cheers  


@C_ROCKER31 This was a delightful message to read.  I'm really glad that you are working at such a good place with such good people.  You worked hard getting through school and its great to see the hard work has been rewarded.
          	  You say you feel really lucky to have this job.  And based on what you say you should feel that way.  But I feel certain they are lucky to have you.  The way the are showing their appreciation indicates they realize this.


@C_ROCKER31 That's awesome!!! I'm really glad to hear that you're enjoying your job!


Today kicked off staff appreciation week at my job. It’s amazing how many friends I’ve made through coworkers in such short time since I haven’t even had this job for a full year quite yet. Everyone there just feels like a family to me, and it’s unbelievable. It’s only day one of teacher/staff appreciation week, and I already feel so appreciated and loved (and even spoiled with how they treated us to a free breakfast and some snacks/drinks throughout the day). I feel so lucky to have scored this job, and I’m grateful every single day for my amazing bosses and coworkers becoming such a big part and impact in my life. <3


@C_ROCKER31 im glad you found someplace you belong. cheers  


@C_ROCKER31 This was a delightful message to read.  I'm really glad that you are working at such a good place with such good people.  You worked hard getting through school and its great to see the hard work has been rewarded.
            You say you feel really lucky to have this job.  And based on what you say you should feel that way.  But I feel certain they are lucky to have you.  The way the are showing their appreciation indicates they realize this.


@C_ROCKER31 That's awesome!!! I'm really glad to hear that you're enjoying your job!


Ok, soo, not only is my new job going well, but they had a mini petting zoo for the kids that I had no idea about. Long story short, I spent half an hour petting a pony, a bunny, a tortoise, a duck, a chicken, 2 donkies, a goat, and even a lemur this morning, and I just easily had the best day ever :)


@C_ROCKER31 That's awesome!! I'm glad you're liking the new job!


@1775rik thank you so much! And I don’t think I have seen that movie. It sounds like a pretty good/interesting movie though, based off of those quotes. That’s definitely one I might just have to look into seeing during a day off (:


Soo, I had my first job interview ever yesterday, and I apparently hit it out of the park since they wanted me to come back today to observe a couple of rooms and interact with kids. Hours later, I get a call from them, saying they want to hire me, and now I officially start my full-time job on Wednesday. 
          I’ll definitely be spreading the good news to my family and celebrating my accomplishments (:


@1775rik you’re absolutely right. Stories are fun to read on here and all, but long after I stop being as active on this app, I will always cherrish the friendships I’ve gained through wattpad nonetheless. I’m not saying I will ever abandon this app all together, but with a full-time job starting up soon, it’s obvious I won’t be on here nearly as frequently as I was able to be back during my school years, which I think is understandable. But I will always come back and read stories on here during the few chances I will get


@C_ROCKER31 As they should be.
            We read a lot of stories here.  Sadly, it likely won't be long before we start to remember the details of them.  But I think the memory of the people we meet and talk to here will linger a good while longer.  I appreciate your friendship and am glad we've had the opportunity to talk and get to know each other.


I know I probably don’t, but I feel I owe you guys some sort of explanation for seeming to have dropped off the earth for a little while. 
          I know I said I would be back with a new story, but, with being out of college and all, I felt the need to take a step back and focus on my next step in life. I’ve been swamped with applying for jobs and preparing for an upcoming job interview, so I have not had time to write, unfortunately. 
          I know I probably don’t need to do this, but I deeply apologize for promising to write and not following through at all after becoming focused on my future career. That being said, with a potential job starting up for me soon, I may not have time at all to write, but I will still be active on here when I can, reading other stories that you guys put out and update. 
          Thanks for understanding, and again, I deeply apologize for unintentionally not being very active on here in the past couple of months. 


@C_ROCKER31 as much as I'll miss your writing, im so proud of you. congrats and a reminder to live life how you want to. Because that's what matters.


@1775rik thanks! I have a good feeling that today went well. My appointment was earlier this morning, and I just had fun interacting with the kids while also taking some time to talk with and get to know the teachers and aides I was with as well. In my opinion, it went extremely well, and now all I gotta do is play the waiting game and wait to hear back from them


@C_ROCKER31 Doing the mock interview was such a clever idea.  I completely agree that its a good sign.  Good luck tomorrow!  Try to have fun tomorrow and just try and be yourself.  That should be more than enough.


Welp...I’ve officially finished and turned in my last college assignment and will be officially graduating on Monday. I have no idea how to feel about being done with college now.. o_O (:


@sonicx418 Thank you so much! Late or not, it means so much to me (:


@C_ROCKER31 ok im really late on this but I'm proud of you


sorry im seeing this so late! good for you! proud of you.


Hey, guys.
          So, I finally finished this new oneshot I promised you guys last month! Definitely overdue, but I promise it’s worth the wait. I will go over it and spell/grammar check it tonight and post it some time tomorrow. 
          I can’t begin to tell you how excited I am for you guys to finally be able to read this oneshot I’ve been extremely excited to put out! (:


I know I probably don’t need to give an explanation, but I will anyway for those still patiently waiting on a new oneshot I promised...
          I haven’t forgotten about it! I’ve been working on it this whole time, just because I want it to be absolutely perfect. Plus, I’ve done my own mini research for small things that I will be referencing in it as well. Like I’ve said before, this is a oneshot I’m extremely excited about, so I want it to be as perfect as possible. I will try to get it posted before Christmas (my uncle’s driving up to spend Christmas and the new year with my family, so I won’t have time to write while he’s here). If not before Christmas, then shortly after - but my main goal is to have it completed and posted before Christmas. 
          Until then, thanks to anyone and everyone who had been patient with me so far! The long wait for this oneshot will definitely be worth it (:


@1775rik I figured I didn’t have to explain myself, but I usually do anyway so that readers know I haven’t forgotten, ya know? 
            I want everything to make sense and be as accurate as possible, so I am doing research on things for that reason, but also to refresh my own memory on things I haven’t seen in a while. And, I’m sure you have a hunch already, but me doing research also means I will be including a couple of references in this upcoming oneshot! (:
            Given that my uncle’s coming here on the 23rd, I definitely won’t be able to finish the oneshot before christmas. I will definitely be taking a break from it to spead as much time with my family as possible. Like you said, the oneshot, as good as it will be (and as excited as I am for it), can/will wait. As you said, I don’t plan to release it until I am 100% satisfied/happy with the completed oneshot. However long the wait ends up being, I can assure you that it will most certainly be worth it though. 
            Thank you! I’m not sure if you celebrate it or not, but I hope you and your family have a very merry christmas as well!


@C_ROCKER31 You're right that you didn't need to give an explanation.  But I'm not surprised that you did.  :)
            Its impressive that you are doing research for small things in the story.  But again not surprising.
            I hope you devote all the time you can to be with your family.  The story, good as it will be, will wait.  And I'm glad you don't plan to release it until you are fully satisfied.
            If we don't speak before then, I hope you and your family have the merriest of Christmases.


I know I haven’t been writing lately, but I’ve been really stressed with college work. Thankfully, this week is my last week before Christmas break. So, I will be back very soon with a new one shot I’ve been planning. It’s one if my favorite oneshot ideas I’ve come up with by far, and I’m extremely excited for you guys to see it once I get it posted in the next week or so! (:


@1775rik Thanks! It’s been doable, but overwhelming sometimes with all I have to get done in such short timeframes. But I’ve survived the last 6 weeks, so I’m sure I can make it through one more, haha. 
            Hearing that you’re excited makes me even more excited. I’m really happy to be able to get back to writing soon, and I think you and anyone else who reads it will be in for a treat. You may very well ne right about that though. I’m fairly sure what I’ve got in store for my readers with this soon-to-come oneshot will be at the very least fairly unexpected (:


@C_ROCKER31 Sorry to hear about the stress.  I'm sure you've been doing great and that that will continue for the next week.  And then a nice long, well-deserved break.  Good luck with what ever is still to come.
            I'm excited to hear about the one-shot.  I will look forward to reading what you've come up with.  If its one of your favorite ideas, I'm sure it will be outstanding.  And not to typecast you, but it may even be unexpected.  Forgive me, I just couldn't resist.  :)