Still horrifically ill, to the point where I’m coughing violently and I’m barely able to walk without nausea. This sucks, but I might try and write still for you. I’m thinking of getting another chapter of Ash out soon, but with me being like this, I can’t give any promises. Hope you’re having a better day than me and enjoy reading :)

@CaJaAr the reason I suggest taking it easy is because some of my early works were done when I was sick and I hate them because the chapters are either rushed or missing some valuable details because I just wanted to get writing over with so I could relax, one year later and those chapters still bother me and really irritate me so sometimes it is better to take it easy and wait until you're close to better, you don't have to wait until you're completely healthy again, just healthy enough to properly focus on what you're busy with

@IAmNotTimeTraveler Thanks for the advice, I’m glad to hear it. My problem is that I have literally nothing to do off my iPad right now, so I’ve got it on more optimised settings whilst I read on Wattpad, and even then, I’m taking breaks every chapter or so of a book to just sleep for a bit (5 Minutes of reading each chapter = ~15 minutes of sleeping). I’m hoping that’ll help me at least a little. I’m glad to know that you’ll still be here, it’s greatly appreciated and I’m gonna thank you again for the support :)