When someone comes back into your life and now you can't stop smiling like what I had a cheating ex really what was his name again. Lol. I am about to start writing again if anyone cares.
When someone comes back into your life and now you can't stop smiling like what I had a cheating ex really what was his name again. Lol. I am about to start writing again if anyone cares.
Hey so if you have been reading my story I could be yours I have been adding media to it and I hope they all show up if you can't see any of them please let me know thanks. I plan on finishing up the next chapter I am working on tonight.
OMG THANK YOU SOO MUCH FOR VOTING AND LIKING MY BOOK YOU HAVE NO CLUE HOW MUCH THIS MEANS TO ME, you see im a 12 year old writer and my parents don't support anything I do so thank you soo much
I was gonna write but I got dragged out to my town's Yankee doodle days celebration. I am going to be to drunk by later to write so hopefully tomorrow.