
Newest Chapter of Stalking Secret Royalty (3) is ready. I'll drop it early.


          I sincerely apologise to every single one of you lack of updates. We have had a very rough period for a few years and haven't got round to sorting things out for the writings. Finally, I have had a bit of a mental breakthrough and a better plan for the writing. I will be working hard to sort all this out. 
          Firstly, I am sorting out Orphan Loves. At the moment, I have had thoughts of things that should be added into the story. I will also be trying to finish Stalking Secret Royalty soon as well.
          Secondly, I might delete some books (ones that aren't story books.) They will be redone and I will be deleting pictures from the drawing book related to a particular lizard. The drawing book, I will upload the pictures to DeviantArt and delete the book here. The ask book will be redone.
          Thirdly, I am not sure if I should continue the Geoff's Secret Spy. I do have a different direction to take the book but now with the revelations of Ryan made public, I am not sure if I want to write about it. The other story with the AH boys, I can simply take him out and have his story for someone else.
          Lastly, I do have other stories I want to make. I will be making sure I get older stories finished before I start writing new ones. Even the one shot stories will continue.
          Anyway, that is all I have for now. I am streaming again from next week on SirenPandaSabo on Twitch. 
          I love all of you guys, gals and fellow non binaries o3o platonically :)
          ~ Cadence (SirenPandaSabo on Twitch)


I am streaming sometimes on Twitch.
          Mondays: 9pm BST - Marbles Monday
          Saturdays: 9pm or 9:30pm BST - Stardew Valley Saturdays
          I hope to see you there. Many Thanks.
          Also, I am going to restart writing again. I am working on a chapter of a book right now as we speak. I am SO sorry for the delays <3


Hey thanks for adding my story to your reading list. Hope you enjoy


@Midnight_Love I'm the same way. Feels like I have a ton. I had to break it down.


@Midnight_Love You're welcome. I am sorting my private library out as I have too many in there (feels like 1000 in there to be honest). Just giving them a sort out so I know what I will be reading next.


Also, to what I'm doing with the books I am adding to reading lists, I have waaaaay too many books in my library.
          This is so I can see how many books of fandoms and non fandom books I have. Best for me to keep an eye.
          Also, if you have any books in relation to BBS, Minecrafters or AH that I should read, feel free to comment them.
          Just no gore please ;3;
          (Minecrafters are those who are friends of Sky Does Everything and have played Minecraft with him. Hence 'Minecrafters'. It's easier for me.)


Hello my followers.
          I have some news. Some good and some bad.
          The bad first.
          Firstly, I have been on antidepressants since October, as I have had trouble with depression.
          Secondly, I am currently injured and can't walk properly. Kinda sucks really.
          The good news.
          I am working on more of Stalking Secret Royalty.
          I think my recent holiday to Venice actually gave me a chance to think about my writing.
          I also prepared my writing schedule for the month. Will make sure more books are finished before starting new books. 
          I will do my very best, everyone. I thank you all for reading my books. I appreciate every single vote, comment and people adding my books to your reading lists. I am grateful and honoured.
          ~ Leia a.k.a CadenceChan
          P.S A new book will arise for Pride Month. Look out for it. Slight spoiler for those who are fans of SetoSolace, it is a book on them :3


To the people who are reading Stalking Secret Royalty, up to Chapter 9 is final. I will be working on more tomorrow.
          Also about the update in Autism Affects Me. I was thinking about updating the book for a few weeks but decided I would do it. 
          Enjoy my current reads and I will be updating soon :)


Chapter 5 of Orphan Loves is back. Just letting you know, it was Chapter 6 in the original. Also Chapter 23 of Stalking Secret Royalty was updated yesterday. I feel pretty good right now to write more of the stories. Thanks for the reads I've received on my stories. I appreciate all ^3^ 