I’ll do a song of the day today
Thnks fr th Mmrs by Fall Out Boy
This song is just stuck on my head and I’m listening to it right now lol it’s so good. I love the energy of it and the lyrics are really good
Sorry for not being super active lately my life is just super busy right now, I’ve been studying for mid years, projects and my permit test but after all of that I’ll try to be more active :)
I’m halfway through Wednesday and it’s literally so so so good! I love her so much! I know people are gonna come after for this but honestly I don’t like Tyler or Xavier maybe as I watch more I’ll like them tho
This morning I got tickets to see a Waterparks concert in may and there’re floor tickets!!! I’m gonna try and get there as soon as possible so I can be really close!
I started Wednesday! It’s so good!! I literally love her so much! They killed my favorite character in the first episode tho
Also I think my next song based short story is gonna be based on You Know What They Do To Guys Like Us In Prison by MCR