
Okay listen guys. I have a new mha story idea, and it’s pretty frickin stupid not gonna lie…BUT. It may be just dumb enough to milk more views from this app…


hi! hope ur doing well, im a big fan of ur camie x izuku book as there isnt alot in that space or any that have been written in awhile and i wanted to know if its on hold, or possiblly ur maybe juts taking time to write the next chapter


In the manga, in the 428th chapter of MHA, Himiko Toga's death was officially confirmed. And I'm very upset because Toga was one of the most interesting and well-crafted characters (which is very rare among the female characters in this story). And I think it's sad because all the heroes are alive, which is not the case with the villains.


"Victor are you still alive?"


Take your sweet time brul  just nice to hear you are doing OK :)


@Drinran Yes  please don't worry over the recent pause, just experienced some minor burnout and lack of inspiration so I decided to take a bit of a brake is all. I more than likely will post another pilot chapter for a new series I've been thinking up...just to get back into the feel of it all and everything will go back to normal


Hi, I want to recommend you an unusual story with an unusual idea, and I wonder how you would do it if you wrote it. .The story could be great. If it is implemented correctly..


Huh, might read it; funny timing on your part though since I just put Addicted on temporary hold. Dunno if I’ll try writing something like this, but thanks for the great suggestion nonetheless friend


To all those Green innocence fans waiting for part two, I PROMISE YOU I’m getting it done. I just had some pretty bad writers block was all, so please don’t panic.


@Ianu09 oh yeah, minus the fictional thing called sleep, I’m doing swell thank you for asking


@ CaffeineNManga  you doing ok otherwise?