
Hey there everyone, I hope you are all doing well. Now, I know it's been a while since I posted anything in any of my stories here. I've had a lot going on, but I am finally finding time to do so. However, I have this feeling that Sacrifices: A Romanogers Story is getting a little complicated and kind of out there, if you can understand what I'm saying. I started it out as a way to handle Black Widow's, aka Natasha Romanoff's death in the MCU, as she is one of my favorite female Avengers and I loved her and Steve's relationship. I feel like the story moved away a bit from where I originally intended and where the MCU is going now. I need some help in how to get it back on track. If you can see any plot points that seemed interesting but didn't go anywhere, or if something seems redundant, please let me know and I will do my best to fix it and move forward with future posts. This will help me get back into writing the story as well as getting the other stories here finished as well. Thank you and have a great day!


Hello, I have seen your stories, you are talented and I wonder how much you are going to update again


@reydelnorte I have had a bad case of writers block, and part of the slow updates is I don't know which one to focus on more. Maybe a little motivation will help, which one would you like to see updated?


Hey there everyone, I hope you are all doing well. Now, I know it's been a while since I posted anything in any of my stories here. I've had a lot going on, but I am finally finding time to do so. However, I have this feeling that Sacrifices: A Romanogers Story is getting a little complicated and kind of out there, if you can understand what I'm saying. I started it out as a way to handle Black Widow's, aka Natasha Romanoff's death in the MCU, as she is one of my favorite female Avengers and I loved her and Steve's relationship. I feel like the story moved away a bit from where I originally intended and where the MCU is going now. I need some help in how to get it back on track. If you can see any plot points that seemed interesting but didn't go anywhere, or if something seems redundant, please let me know and I will do my best to fix it and move forward with future posts. This will help me get back into writing the story as well as getting the other stories here finished as well. Thank you and have a great day!


Hey, trying to get back in to writing here. I've had a serious case of writers block,  I wanna update all my stories here, but I am going to post another one here and I want some opinions before I move forward. I am going to do some MCU/Star Wars crossovers, and I'll list my ideas and see what you all think. One idea is that a mix of the prequel and original trilogy characters from Star Wars take on roles from the MCU. Let me know if it's a good idea and which characters you think would fit in each role respectively. Another one is MCU existing in the Star Wars universe and its setting. What I mean by that for an example is Tony Stark will still become Iron Man, and is a weapons developer for the Empire. Let me know what you think, or if you have any ideas of a MCU/Star Wars crossover you'd like to see.


Thank you for all your support on my latest story. It means a lot to me, I hope you get a lot of joy put of reading it as the story continues.


@Romanogersroyalty you're quite welcome!!! I love your work! I hope you continue to write amazing stories! Let me know what you think of mine, I'm always interested in others opinions and how to improve my work!


Hi everybody! I want to take a minute can promote a fellow author and friends here and tell you to check out her amazing story. Its title is Star Pirates by jeevansauthor. She did an amazing job, and will be posting regular updates on this story. If you like sci-fi and fantasy then check this one out, you won't be disappointed!


Scarlett did apologize for her comments and said that while she is saddened she wouldn't be bringing the role she was cast for to life because she dropped out, she also said she hoped that the controversy that her casting brought up would help keep the conversation going and open more doors for those who most need that representation. Now, as I said I was glad to converse with a fellow author on a subject like this, but I can't help but shake this feeling. This feeling like I upset the other author and anyone else who may agree with said author and that my story may be offensive as it is a fanfiction of the MCU and has Scarlett Johansson's portrayal of Black Widow/Natasha Romanoff. I did apologize to the other author just in case I did, but the feeling persists. Is there anyone who can shed some light on it? I'm I crazy? Was I in the wrong? Any help or comments are appreciated.


@CalmWinter no, the author just continued to explain how Scarlett was transphobic and supported Woody Allen. Now I get that guy is a pedophile so supporting him is wrong, but I suggested that perhaps Scarlett didn't want to believe it seeing as how he was a close friend. I used a personal experience of mine as an example, but the other author seemed to just keep on with their original comments. I made suggestions then as to who she could picture as Black Widow in Scarlett's place and pretty much that's where the conversation ended.


@Cailstormind76 Did the other author accept your apology?


Hello my friends. I recently had a pleasant conversation with a fellow author here on Wattpad. This author wanted to find Natasha Romanoff fanfictions that were not portrayed by Scarlett Johansson. The author had stated in a post like this that Scarlett was transphobic and also shouldn't have been cast in Ghost in the Shell. Now at first, I didn't understand why and I moved to defend Scarlett as I do like her as an actress, her work and who she is as a person. So I did some research first before commenting anything because of I said something wrong or offensive I would feel awful and need to be held accountable. Now, Scarlett did say some insensitive comments when addressed about why she was taking the role. She cited that other actors have been cast in transgender roles, and as an actress she should be able to play any role given to her. For the most part, I agree with this, as an actor/actress's job is to pretend to be someone else and give a convincing performance of that. On the other side of that, I know there are members of the LGBTQ communities who desire more representation and rightly deserve as such. As do any person of race, color, creed, religion and sexuality. 


Hey there Romanogers fans! Sorry I've been away so long, I've had some serious writer's block, but I hope with your help I can get past it! So I pose this question to all those who have read the story and new comers, what are some of your favorite chapters or scenes? What do you want to see next? I ask this because I want to create the best quality story for you. Thanks and stay safe!