
@LemonsAndLimeForYa Lost silver's name before he died was Gold. So its basically Gold but he's dead and instead of yellow eyes he has black eyes with red pupils. He's been alone for who knows how long and has become really shy, depressed, and anti-social.  He also lost his arms and legs, and where they do it, an old abandoned pokemon center would work. Some people draw him with legs and arms or write him that way but thats how they write and its fine.  The uke would probably be lost silver, I would prefer the seme to be silver.


          Hmm,  I'd love to, I actually might have a few in mind that I like,  Red X Gold, Red X Blue , Glitchy red X lost Silver, and Silver X lost silver, though the only Silver X lost silver and even Silver X Gold. .. Lets see.. which one.... o.o this is the thing about being a yaoi lover... its hard to choose... I would really like to see a Silver X Lost Silver Lemon. That is a pairing I don't think has been done before to be honest.. I don't mean to suggest more then One so I'm going with one I would love to see, which is Silver X Lost Silver.