
the doctor


martha before i change heres a list of instructions for when im human 1 dont let me hurt anyone we cant have that but you know what humans are like 2 dont worry about the tardis ill put it on emergency power so they cant detect it just let it hide away 4 no wait a minute 3 no getting involved in big historical events 4 you dont let me abandon you 5 very important 5 dont let me eat pears i hate pears john smith is a character i made up but i wont know that i will think i am him and he might do something stupid like eat a pear and in three months i dont want to wakeup from being human and taste that and 6 now i have to talk for around about a minute without any hesitation deviation and whatever the other thing is its like that panel game on channel 4 like rory just pointed out however im gonna move on and say number seven and talk about my other favourite band which is the house martins i dont if anyone remembers the house martins but the best gig i ever went to was at the scottish exhibition and conference center in about december it must have been about 1990 and the house martins were playing and it was quite simply the best gig ive ever been to they split up soon afterwards i dont know what that tells you about that particular event im sitting in the tardis now and im gonna wind up soon but not before i make a few strange noises with my mouth it will go somewhere along the lines of bingle bongle dingle dangle yickedy doo yickedy da ping pong lippy tappy too ta and 23 if anything goes wrong if they find us martha then you know what to do


hello beautiful people first of all if u like 5sos or bvb I write fanfics 
          my life occurs of singing wattpad eating and listening to punk grunge and rock and some pop 
          follow me for the update on a teenage kiwi love u my pink fluffy unicorns and byeeeeee