
@AlysArden oh my gosh it's no problem at all, thanks for following me back! Xx


I dont even know what to say. For some reason I lack any sort of motivation or inspiration to write anything recently. I'll sit in front of my laptop only to find I loathe the idea of writing at all, which is really upsetting because only a few months ago it was one of my favourite things to do... I haven't put out a new chapter simply because I can't find it in me to write one. It's an awful excuse but it's true. If I were to force myself, the new chapters would be shit and I couldn't do that to everyone. I'm hoping and praying this is just a bad case of writers block and that everything will sort itself out because I hate disappointing everyone. OHIN has 40.641 reads which is phenomenal and I'm almost at 100 fans, insane. But please know its not over and I have every intention of finishing it. Thanks for your patience and continuous dedication to my story. It's more than I could ever ask for, I love you all. Don't give up on me quite yet xx


Coming up on 40,000 wow, so insanely happy. Can't even believe it... Y'all are so amazing. Can't begin to apologise for the wait, I just get so caught up in everything I'm doing. OHIN isn't over yet! I'll try to post the new chapter soon xx thanks for all of your dedication 


Halfway to 40.000 wowza. For some reason comments won't show up on my app but loads of you are worried that was the last chapter, OHIN ISN'T OVER YET DON'T WORRY! I'm so busy and when I'm not doing something with school or showchoir I'm sleeping, I will try really hard to get the next chapter out as soon as possible. Thank you all for your ever/overwhelming


CHAPTER 32 IS UP! Stayed up late last night to finish. I do sincerely apologise for being months late... There is no excuse. All of your reads and votes mean so much to me. I can't even believe my story had 32,000 reads. I am baffled. Thank you for staying with me, and continuing to read OHIN I adore each of you. Much, much love -Caitlin xx