Hey guys just letting you all know I uploaded a "drawing" book. It has photos of all my drawings I've done so far. Please check it out al let me know what you think
Thanks xx
Hey guys
Sorry I haven't been posting anything. I've been really busy with school and art and tbh I haven't been feeling inspired to write lately.
I hope to post more soon!
I'm currently working on two fics. One is going to be short (like my other one- the knife fic) and another is going to be quite long. I will be slowly adding the chapters so look out for them soon!!!
Sorry i haven't been publishing. I'm in year 12 and the workload is just X.x
But I will be done in 4 months which means you should be flooded with fics. <<don't count on that
I've been thinking about writing something about my life and the struggles I go through having the mental disability I have and how its affected me throughout my life. Just wondering if you guys would read it??