
It has been over 5 years since my first poem in the poem book-- and now we have 50. That's at least 10 a year: how fun!


Why hello my fellow pan!


Not going to lie, I have gotten a lot more work done than I expected. I'd say I am like 70% done with chapter 1 (and its only 2 chapters). I might actually finish this first chapter today???


@Cakecat001 did not finish today, but I got so much progress done today!!! I am super proud of it!


According to current word counts, I'm 30% through chapter 1/2 everyone.


cookies have been a great motivation here


about 5k through
            apparently the later-middle few parts are MUCH better and I just have had to replace a few things.


I've edited through to the prophecy part! That means I made it through chapter 10/27!!!! Word count wise puts us at about 45%! Literally so much progress today!


Have I written a SINGLE word since posting what the project is? No.
          So! Tomorrow I plan that should I wake up at a decent time (ideally 8am), I will write until lunch, make cookies after lunch, and then write more. Should I do this successfully, I get cookies.
          So maybe we will have it done soon guys.


So!!  3 people (@OfficalSolangelo @Child_of_Solangelo @AcousticElectric) were interested in the project!! 
          I have been working on a (much longer) rewrite of Shadowed Light!! It is my most popular story, but I am not proud of it, so I am looking at cobbling together the semblance of what was there to make more sense and have more continuity! I also am putting A Switch Of Twins in there too, so it will be formatted like a two-shot, and it won't be out until both are done. The Shadowed Light chapter is currently looking to be over 10k words, which is why it is taking me so long...
          I want to get it out to you all within 3 weeks, but I'm not 100% sure if I will be able to.


@Cakecat001 Mentioned on a post by one of my favorite writers? Yay :>


If 3 whole people are interested I will release what the project I'm working on is and maybe it'll make me more motivated to work on it!


@Cakecat001 I'm definitely interested if it's solangelo 