
(About to be at a friend’s house, and said friend is gonna be at my place, so Rp replies will be on hold.)


/dropping a small thing (with a little bit more before and after it) just because it’s been awhile since I’ve been on here! 
          Merrin sighed as she ran a hand across her face for a moment. “I know you don’t want me to go on this mission…but I can take care of myself…and if we run into the Empire, I won’t hesitate to contact you if we need help…but I must go…” She didn’t want to worry…but she had known since the last time she had gone on a mission very similar to this…they had ran into Vader. 


            Merrin soon went into the ship, going to the ship’s cockpit to speak with the captain of the ship. 


            Cal watches her, then looks to BD, the droid beeping at him.


            Merrin looked to Cal and nodded and soon went to go to the ship. 


(So I found this art that is not only cute, but is creepy at the same time. If you look up HTTYD Infection AU on Pinterest, and you scroll for a little bit, you’ll see this white and black, mostly white near the head and wings, basically it’s an albino Night Fury, apparently the smile of this dragon is a human’s smile, and this smile can do the same thing that a deer can, it’ll stop its prey in its tracks like a deer in headlights. Like it’s cute, but in a way it’s creepy at the same time.)


(Okay, I’ve been doing some brainstorming, and I think I have a species of dragon for Harpria. That will be……
          Storm Angel!!! It’ll have the body of a Night Fury, but the wings will be feathers. Think of the custom Night Fury with the horns and the glowing eyes with the feather wings from the PS3 How To Train Your Dragon game. That will be the Storm Angel.)


(Alright, so I have a name for Hiccup’s older sister, thanks to someone that I follow and I think who follows me back, and her name will be….
          Now I need a dragon, but I want it to either be a hybrid, or a made-up dragon. Now I can’t draw for crap, so I’m gonna need some help. I did however find some fanart on a hybrid species that I want to use, but then I’m like, nah, I don’t want to use it, even though it looks dope as heck! Should I use the fanart for the dragon, or make up a species? One species I had in mind was Dark Angel, but since that’s been used, I won’t use it.)


@CalKestis23-_ ( that’s fair, hid just a little on the angry side , due to his anger disorder ( he has IED) so he has trouble controlling his anger)


            (I don’t know what she would think. She’d probably treat him like a brother too.)


(I want to do a HTTYD story, and have Hiccup either have a twin sister or an older sister. I think an older sister would be better, and I kinda want to make an OC dragon for her and have it be a hybrid. My two questions are:
          What should I name her?
          What hybrid should I make the dragon???? I kinda want it to have feathers, similar to how one of the authors I follow, she made her own dragon species, and I kinda wanted to call my OC’s dragon the name of the species, but I don’t want to copy her, or use her drawings of her dragon.)


            (It’s okay. And thank you!)


@CalKestis23-_ sorry for the late reply. And yea


            Harpria. I like it. And are you sure?)


(Not me wanting to Rp as both Cal and Hiccup Haddock on this account so I don’t have to keep switching between the two accounts.)


            (That’s what I was gonna do, but I would have to update my bio, and I can’t add too much on it.)


            Why not play as both? (Switching in between accounts i know how it feels </3)