Hiiiiii ❤ I loveeee youuur books sooo much you're a greatiee writer *blushing* I hope you are having a good day I'm sorry for my useless message hehe *embarrassed* I'm just sooo in loooove with your booksss sorry I'm an awkwardie person *blushing*

@MayaTomlinson9 awwweh you're welcomie ❤ yourrrrr booksss are Amazing don't think otherwise you're a perfectieee author too ❤ *blushing* and I'm soo happyyy that I madeeee your dayy *blushing*

@MayaTomlinson9 hiiawhh honest u r so sweet..thank u so much for reading and enjoying my books i thought all of them are quite trashy..thanks again for this sweet message you just made my day❤