
@guiltypen no need to thank me! if i vote is because i really liked it, i should thank you, for entertaining me a little. 


@CalamitasDeus Sorry for the late reply, I was quite busy recently.
          Well, writing in English would only imporve your English skills wouldn't it =) And besides, your English is great.
          If you want editors, then maybe check out the Wattpad Editors' club in the Clubs section.
          If you want feedback on your stories, then you should go to the critiquing club. But don't just say "I want feedback" or it'll count as an advertisement and your request will be removed. Instead, be specific, for example "I want feedback on my grammar and spelling, as well as the plot and characters."
          Have a good day too =)
          And no, my name is actually Gaelic (but I think it has Celtic roots too). It means "Dove"


          yes i noticed you greeted me, i remember you made me feel like i could really write something worth reading. 
          anyways, im making a story but like i said in my bio, I'm Mexican, English its not my first language and its a bit hard for me to write something longer than two pages completely in English, perhaps you know of someone who has fun editing stories or has too much free time? i could use help extending my lack of vocabulary. 
          i was hoping "ninjas" did that kind of job, but maybe you know of someone? i don't really know my way trough wattpad because since some time ago i limited myself to read, i don't know if there is a group or a person i can show my stories and give me feedback. 
          thanks for your time Calum have a really good day!
          BTW: i really like your name, is it Celtic?


@CalamitasDeus I personally thank all my fans. Because they have brought me to where I am today. I wouldn't be as popular as I am now without fans, and my stories wouldn't have had all the feedback that they have.
          And yeah, a few people have said I seem older than I am. 
          The ninjas is just the unnofficial name for the Wattpad Ambassadors. We are a group of people who just help around the website. For example, I moderate the Forums. I used to be a greeter (and as you can see, I greeted you 5 months ago =])


          it means more that you took the time to comment my fanning
          Its really admirable that you reply all your fans
          and you took the time to see you had already posted something to me a few months ago. 
          i've also read your bio and I came to the resolution you seem older than the age you have posted in your profile.
          what are those "Ninjas" you are member of? what is their mainly function?