
wow i haven't been here in a while


I will be going on vacation from the 31st of July to the 12th of August. I won't be able to write much during that time, but I'll hopefully bring back a few good ideas! Part 2 of the Nariya x Mairon request is regretfully not going to be done in time (it's currently on 1000 or so words). See you all in August!


          I'm wayyyyy too busy with studying to have time for writing, I am SO sorry... I spent five hours on a science project yesterday and I have to make an essay planner for tomorrow... 
          I hope you understand! Hopefully things get better after this week and I can move on with requests and stuff...


Oh and I must be really tired because I forgot to mention that I'm probably gonna take a liiiittle break before moving on with the next request since my school has this poetry contest and I thought I might as well take a shot at it, despite the fact that I can't write poetry for SH**.