
Thank you so much @CaleighAraya , for considering that my story hold that much value to put it in your reading list. 
          Thank you for adding my story in your reading lists. 
          Thank you for giving my story value & chance. 
          I am extremely sorry for not being regular in writing & uploading my story chapter. I am not that much of a good writer as I am just a beginner / newbie. I just recently starts writing but planning to do so since so long. I am trying my best to improve. I hope it doesn't cause you trouble or issues in any form. 
          I hope you like & enjoy my story " Stranger".
          Thank you for everything. God Bless you & everyone.... 


@VisionaryWander156  your welcome. I too am working on my own story, and hope to have a chapter up here by months end. However I know we all have things in real life, such families and friends, school, work, other hobbies, etc. Just update when you can. And if you every need someone to brain storm with or run ideas by, let me know. It's one of favorite things to do to be honest.  Best of luck!