
Anybody have any ideas for what else I could write? My brain is filled with World War facts, and I don’t think you want me to write about Nazis, Fascists, or the Treaty of Versailles. 
          	Anyway, Summer School is going w e l l 


@CaleoSolangeloSnoBaz or maybe dwell on the fact that Eric might be/ most likely is gender fluid and even cried because everyone considered him an ugly girl and he would never get a husband. He doesn't share his beloved dresses and I head anon him giving Jack his most precious outfit to dress him as Lala


they could also play pretend boyfriends for the sake of somebody else and things get out of hand -again- rofl


Anybody have any ideas for what else I could write? My brain is filled with World War facts, and I don’t think you want me to write about Nazis, Fascists, or the Treaty of Versailles. 
          Anyway, Summer School is going w e l l 


@CaleoSolangeloSnoBaz or maybe dwell on the fact that Eric might be/ most likely is gender fluid and even cried because everyone considered him an ugly girl and he would never get a husband. He doesn't share his beloved dresses and I head anon him giving Jack his most precious outfit to dress him as Lala


they could also play pretend boyfriends for the sake of somebody else and things get out of hand -again- rofl


I'm not going to be able to update for a bit, so have this random reminder that Eric is canonically into bondage.


I may have to use that at some point


@CaleoSolangeloSnoBaz And canonically a masochist


I know no one really cares about these, but if you do read this, I'm bored and want to hear about the last dream you remember. My last dream was about sleeping with Thomas Sanders, which was preceded by Crowley (SPN) Trying to murder some random family for some reason? I don't know. Also, Crowley was wearing a pinstriped Cheshire Cat colored suit, and I don't know why that worked so well? But it did?


@ CaleoSolangeloSnoBaz  Your welcome?? Lmao my dreams are superior>>>>>>


@ImaBoOknerd0 Thanks for the chapter idea, by the way...


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Howdy, I'm going to try to update a bit more often, because writing chaotic shit like I posted last night (This morning?) makes me feel better. I'm not going to write anything more serious. Probably just little crackhead one-shots based on prompts from Pinterest.


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I know I said I was going to upload, but four people I know caught the virus, two of whom are elderly women who are steadily reaching the end as it is. I am also sick as all fuck, not with covid, just a cold, and I haven't been able to write anything coherent. I'll try to get something out this weekend, but we'll see. Anyway, I hope your years are going better than mine so far, and if not, I hope to Hell it gets better soon. I can't promise anything, and I know that sounds bleak as shit, but I can't promise it'll get better soon, or this year, or even next year. What I can promise is that it will eventually. Everything might not be rainbows and gold right now, but there are little moments floating past you all the time, every day. You just need to know how to see them, how to catch them, and how to hold on like hell. I know these little messages are sappy and mildly depressing, but fuck it. It's what I need, and I hope that it's what at least one of you needs right now, because life sucks, man. And it's going to suck. We just have to learn how to hold on to the less sucky moments.


@ CaleoSolangeloSnoBaz  You do not have to thank me, and I hope that your family members get cured of the virus like my grandmother, I send you strength and hugs! 


@ImaBoOknerd0 Thank you so much. Your kind responses are enough for me, but thank you for the offer. I'm glad your grandmother was able to get over it, and I hope the year continues that same theme.


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@ CaleoSolangeloSnoBaz  Hey, you don't know how sorry i am for what you and your family are going through right now I'm really sorry, my grandmother caught the virus a few months ago and fortunately didn't suffer great pain and managed to overcome the covid so I know how you feel. This last year has been a great and total shit and this 2021 may also be it, we have already seen what is going through in the capitol because of some idiots without morals. But hey, the world as we know it has its ups and downs and we must get used to both. And regarding the fic, you have every right to put it aside if you do not feel the strength to finish it, remember your health goes first, and if you want someone to support you, I can try to encourage you but forgive me if I ever do not answer, you know because of school or my shyness! 