HI GUYSSSS!!! HOW'S THINGS BEEN GOING?! I HOPE REALLY WELL! Just came on in here to see how you guys have been doing. Here's the thing, I don't know if I'm still going to continue writing Damirae: Love Unfolds and Damirae: Edits And Oneshots. I don't know why but, I kinda just lost the spark, you know? If it comes back soon, of course I'll finish the books, I don't like cliffhangers either hehe. Let's see what happens. As of now, thank you for the support! People still read the books and it is highly appreciated!! Thanks! - CALIX

@CalixDelMundo yeah, i get it. but i didnt really lose my spark i just needed to get back into the routine and into the right mind set so it makes scense dont worry! we love you and your work, keep working hard and i am too!