
While I'm making the forbidden love of a heliotrope's chapter 8 try reading the other book about all the random stuff I wrote while making it.


Hey! I found your story when looking for recent stories under the "succubus" tag! I'm writing a paranormal romance featuring a succubus called "Desire Awakened" and am always looking for feedback and new readers if you have a chance.  Looking forward to reading your story "Forbidden Love of a Heliotrope" and anything else you may be working on. 


Hi! so the next parts of the book that i have right now is still on the works sorry if i died didn't mean too, So uh maybe expect a new book coming out of a new chapter coming out on a Sunday I'm not telling which sunday though just expect it. Again take care of yourself and i hope y'all are ok! If not I'll help somehow!