
this message may be offensive
To the readers of my stories: I've gone through alot of shit these last few years. Especially this year. To make it short: I watched my father attempt suicide a few times. He finally succeeded. In August of this year. 
          	I'm very fucked up. More than anyone would think. 
          	Reason for this post: Might or might not finish stories. Might or might not delete them. 
          	Who knows? I could go into a manic episode and start writing for them, or get really high and write for them. 
          	I don't know. 
          	I'm still active alot on wattpad but my interests have shifted. 


this message may be offensive
To the readers of my stories: I've gone through alot of shit these last few years. Especially this year. To make it short: I watched my father attempt suicide a few times. He finally succeeded. In August of this year. 
          I'm very fucked up. More than anyone would think. 
          Reason for this post: Might or might not finish stories. Might or might not delete them. 
          Who knows? I could go into a manic episode and start writing for them, or get really high and write for them. 
          I don't know. 
          I'm still active alot on wattpad but my interests have shifted. 


Probably no one is going to read this. But I honestly don't know when I'm going to update. I also have two stories on another site that I haven't updated since 2014. I'm not motivated to write and I have no ideas. If you guys have any ideas or prompts for my stories, you can send me them. I will eventually get around to writing, but it might not be for a while. Most of the time, I have really good ideas for stories but I'm bad at keeping up with them and actually being motivated to update. Sorry to all the readers, but my stories will be delayed for a while. 


Okay so if you read my stories, you know that I suck at time management. I just wanted to apologize to you guys. I was sick and having a bad time with something personal. Its been messing with me, and when I told my best friend she literally said 'yea'. But you guys should totally send in prompts for the two BVB stories.  Thanks


Thanx for all the votes luv x3. I LOVE your wallpaper btw. I ship Randy


@band_lovers364 I think I only ever found one Randy and I can't even remember the title. :(