
Hey guys, just started writing again. I'm sorry, I know it's been a year. Idk why I left, but I'm back. So, please read I told you so and tell me what you think :)


Hey look, one of the stories I'm reading got updated, guess which one it was! NOT YOURS! Sit your butt down and write girl! You think I care about your writer's block?  No! We've been over this. I am highly invested in these stories now. I forbid you from just stopping.  You are a brilliant writer, now get to it!


Oh My Gosh
          You are so freaking talented 
          This story is amazing I Love it. (I told you so. Bad boy vs Good Girl) 
          I followed and voted! ❤️
          But please please update this story soon! :)


Haha thanks so much :) Im gonna get back into writing constantly, starting today. THANK YOU SO SO MUCH FOR READING!! this comment made me ridiculously happy :)