Hello! Call me Ollie (I don't know how to spell out pronouncication for this) (I'm sorry D:)
•They/Them or he/him pronouns
•Non-binary! :)
•Gynesexual! :)
•Possibly Asexual! :D
•Pretty Awkward and weird.... :/

-Life is Strange
-A ton of Youtubers

-Being called short
-Being treated like a child
-Hurting others physically/emotionally
-Getting scared

Words to some of my friends

Noodle- I'm in your cupboard. I've eaten all your food. And I'm starving. You better feed me. If I don't eat, I'll scream. The scream will wake up your parents. They'll start screaming. This will wake up your neighbors. They'll start screaming. This will wake up the city. They'll start screaming. This will wake up Scotland. They'll start screaming. This will wake up Europe. They'll start screaming. This will wake up Russia and all the countries over there. They'll start screaming. This will wake up North America. They'll start screaming. Everyone will be screaming. And it'll be your fault. Because you didn't feed me. Now. Ley wants some crackers.

Wuss- Heyo dad. Gay and stuff.

Timbrr- Hey mom. You forgot to put a apple in my lunch. I've officially eaten all the stuff in Noodle's cupboard. Everyone gonna scream. Get ready.

Lyrical- Hey bro. Gaaaaaaay.

Gray- Hey buddy. Make sure Lyrical doesn't make everyone go crazy.

Amari/Ziegler- Hey Auntie. How's the baby?

Llama- You is the superhero everyone needed.

Matzimo- "Fucking Kids"

Defto- "Can you stop quoting that I said it like a while ago" -defto 2017

Dork- Hi! How are you? Hope your good lad! Have a good day!

Mstatic- FridgeDay will never come my friend.

Impure- Hi. Your scary. Bye.

To Anyone else on the Discord that I have forgotten- Sorry and I hope you have a nice day! :D

Hope I can make you smile! :D
  • Noodle's pantry :D
  • انضمSeptember 17, 2017

الرسالة الأخيرة
CallMeOli_27 CallMeOli_27 Oct 26, 2017 04:42PM
*replays Spooky Scary Skeletons the remix for the about 1 millionth time*
عرض جميع المحادثات

قصص بقلم Ollie (Oli) :D
Rant/Random بقلم CallMeOli_27
Rant book! From rants I thought of in the shower to regular rants- they will be here.
Meh بقلم CallMeOli_27
Unconditionally بقلم CallMeOli_27
A short story that may become a series, involving two main characters- a female and genderfluid.
+2 أكثر
2 قوائم قراءة