Hey Guise! <3
So I'm thinking about uploading a new chapter of UHS but I'm not sure because I feel like it's just really bad :s I had to rewrite it because (as some of you might know) a while back my computer hard-drive broke and I lost everything, so I had to start again from what I had already written, and because of the state of mind I am now in, it has come out much darker than it had when I first started writing it, and seems right, but wrong at the same time... Idk what to do... So I could really appreciate a little bit of a nudge on this one if you want to see what it'/s turned into... I'm sorry for my unexpected hiatus, but like I've said a few times previously, things are a little tough at the moment, and I've seriously been considering closing down my account and ending my career as an author... I'm really sorry :( <3
Anyway, let me know if you want the new chapter :s Thanks Guise! <3
Also, I just want to thank you all for helping WAPLL get over a thousand reads, it may not seem like much to a lot of people but it means a lot to me, and I'm so grateful to you all, Guise... You don't know where I'd be without writing, and I'm pretty sure it wouldn't be somewhere that's easy to visit... So, once, again, thank you <3
Love you all, Guise, really, even if you're not really that keen on me <3
Bye, make sure to let me know what you think about the new UHT chapter and whether you want it <3