Chapter 5 now out!
Chapter four marks the end of the climax of the first narrative arc (which peaked in chapters two and three), moving on to a perhaps more boring, but definitely necessary, phase of plot and context building.
This chapter has two objectives: on the one hand it provides two fundamental lore elements, on the other hand, since Anker's goal is now clear, also Viryl's goal, who will be the new supporting character, is introduced.
Let's talk specifically about the new information obtained.
First of all, the distinction between magic and arcane arts. For those who are familiar with Souls games, this is not a new concept: it is the difference between intelligence and faith. For those who are unfamiliar with the genre, I will give a brief explanation. Magic is a "scientific" subject, whose laws can be investigated and its results replicated through the use of the experimental method. Arcane arts, on the other hand, generate results that could be defined as "miraculous", and are all the more effective the more solid the devotion of those who practice them.
Secondly, some worldbuilding elements. The Classian Empire is obviously inspired by the Roman Empire, and retains all its main characteristics. After its fall, at first the known world was shaken by anarchy, before slowly rebuilding. After the fall of Classia, the clergy decided to reset the calendar, making that event correspond to the year zero Post Classia. The years of the Classian era are instead numbered according to the Roman numeral system.