Okay, first things first, I want to say I am so so so sorry that I haven't updated New Kid or SITD in ages . I feel awful . I have some chapters pre-written, so i'm gonna post what I have finished so far. Also, if you've followed me for a while, you probably know my first fanfic, Summer Love (maybe the most carroty story ever, but hey, ya know, it was 2012.) I will no longer be writing a sequel for that. I do have some other fanfics lined up though, but will not start them until I'm finished with at least one of my current fanfictions. I have also started another account, lipringsandgreenhair, which is for 5sos fics, so if you like them, make sure to follow me (: (i haven't posted any chapters yet, but plan on it soon). Sorry for the long message, but I wanted to give everyone an update. Thanks to everyone who's been patient through all of this. Love my followers sooooo much !