I am guessing most of you are woundering why don't you just tell us your name? I thaught it would be better and more exciting to be like that. 

Here is a little about me:
Gender- female
Age- never for you to find out
Hobies- dancing, archery, books, anime, being weird, books ad more books.
Personality- I would like to say I am funny and smart.
Books- Mortal Instrument Series, Divergen series, Book Theif, The Fault in Our Stars, Percy Jackson, Lookig for Alaska, etc.
Anime- The Host Club, Fairy Tale, Sword Art Online, Soul Eater, Vampire Night, etc.

Please read and vote on my books!!!!!!
  • IscrittoDecember 7, 2013

Ultimo messaggio
Call_me_the_Anon Call_me_the_Anon Sep 12, 2015 12:36AM
Its been A while sense I started writing again so here I go.
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